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Muh Muh Muh My Corona (virus)

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Twirling Time, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    It's more than 50 different plans. It's counties within those 50 different plans.

    The governor here is rolling out a very, very soft reopening starting on Monday, though his plan has been muddled and handled haphazardly. They're calling it "Safer at Home." You're not required to stay at home, but it's highly encouraged.

    Some retail stores can reopen with curbside only on Monday. Tattoo parlors, dog grooming, salons, real estate home showings (but no open houses) and those retail stores can reopen inside buildings on Friday the 1st. Businesses can have up to 50 percent of workers in the office with proper distancing starting Monday the 4th, but telecommuting is highly encouraged. Restaurants and bars have to stay closed.

    Well, six Denver-area counties came out yesterday and basically told the governor, yeah, no, and extended their stay-at-home orders until Friday, May 8. So did one in the mountains west of Denver, where the majority of the state's casinos are at.

    But 45 minutes to the north, a county said it's going the opposite direction and that it will loosen restrictions beyond what the governor has said will be allowed and will allow any business to reopen on Monday -- including restaurants and bars. Which of course, the governor had a fit about.
  2. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    Trump gonna Trump. Even if he doesn't know anything about the subject. Like when he advised how to put out the fire at Notre Dame.
  3. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    Trumpists don't seem to get it. Social distancing explains why the Trumpandemic has yet to take off in SEC states. If you go all Dabo on this thing, the disaster becomes widespread.
  4. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Well, this is a first.

    Colorado's death total today went from 674 to .... 672.

    From the state:

    You may notice that the cumulative number of deaths went from 674 on April 24th, to 672 on April 25th. This is due to the fact that a portion of "probable deaths" gathered from death certificate data were entered as duplicates. There were about 29 duplicates and they have been removed today.
  5. tapintoamerica

    tapintoamerica Well-Known Member

    This happens in both cases and deaths all the time. It's especially true at the county or comparable level. About a week ago, Utah changed its accounting system. Instead of releasing cases by county, it decided to release them by "health district." So some county totals went from 50, for example, to 0 overnight.
    Another example of how nobody was prepared for this.
    MileHigh likes this.
  6. Roscablo

    Roscablo Well-Known Member

    Yeah, just more goofiness with reporting. But honestly not surprising, especially as states catch up. While there likely aren't numbers in the thousands that have been left out like New York a while back, you know there is a lot of back log in most states, especially ones with decent amounts of cases. It probably happens in a lot of reporting of causes of deaths across the board, but it's magnified with this situation especially since everyone is paying attention.

    Despite Colorado going backward, today was a bad day in the U.S. Over 2,000 deaths reported on a weekend, and not all the reporting is done, and several hundred more than last Saturday. Tells me we're not quite to the peak yet.
    MileHigh likes this.
  7. Fred siegle

    Fred siegle Well-Known Member

    1980: wait on line 4 hours at jacks music shop in red bank for Bruce tickets. 2020: wait on line an hour to get in Walmart to buy soap. Progress?
    HanSenSE and matt_garth like this.
  8. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Yeah, yesterday was a "spike' in Colorado, though it wasn't called that. A surge of 994 new cases and 122 deaths. But the state health department said it went though death certificates that included previously unreported COVID-19 deaths from four to five weeks ago but were only now being entered into the state’s database.

    Also, the number of tests are up the past two days, 4,465 reported Friday, 3,002 reported today. By far the top two most reported tests in a single day since this started. Don't know if that's a backlog or not either.

    As for nationally, yeah, not good. But .... deaths lag and will be the last figure to start going down. Unfortunately, according to the COVID tracking report, the number of U.S. cases has increased each of the past five days, up to a whopping nearly 41,000 new just today.
  9. Roscablo

    Roscablo Well-Known Member

    Some of the cases going up is because of more testing. So we don't really know if in reality it's really a lot more, or some how less than what it's been, or whatever. But that's still a lot of cases, which means hospital use and deaths are likely not dropping a ton any time soon.

    Deaths will likely continue to catch up, but then how long does that take? And if that's the case does it equal a sudden drop off like the IHME model predicts, which I still just can't wrap my mind around, once it all is caught up. Almost everywhere else has had a slow decline so I'm doubting it.
  10. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    There must be about 41 SEC states then.

    No wonder they win the title every year.
  11. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    I can't grasp the IHME model. It's last run had a total of 719 deaths in Colorado by August. We're 47 away from that and could hit that by Monday.

    Honestly, this whole thing is beyond baffling.
  12. SixToe

    SixToe Well-Known Member

    Growing up we were told never to get into a vehicle with a stranger and people who wear masks in public probably were up to no good.

    Now we pay strangers to drive us around and if you're not wearing a mask you get the side-eye or worse. LOL
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