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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    You posted this the other day, and I really wanted to respond, but I would have blown up the site. As it turned out, Sven did it better than I would have, even if unfortunately his writing is about on par with some of my rambling posts.

    This is really worth reading for anyone who wants a cursory understanding of why we are where we are, and what is behind it. It's a straightforward A implies B thing, if most people cared to understand.

    Broken System
    Last edited: May 1, 2020
  2. melock

    melock Well-Known Member

  3. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    We're entering an odd phase in this. Sadly, our nation (with the help of cable news) has become very adept at navigating through the waters of tragedy. There is the crisis (a school shooting, natural disaster) and tears, we remember the victims, communities rally (CITY Strong, We're All CITY), groups organize fundraisers or other efforts to help the affected/telethons are held, we try and suss out who is to blame, politics gets involved (day three) and maybe legislation is introduced, and then the following Sunday the church services show the community coming back together and trying to sort out what it all means then we go along, then we go back until the next THING happens.
    It's been over a month. Churches are closed and I'm not sure when people will be able to come back together or if we'll ever sort out what it all means. We're all kind of left hanging. Maybe it will take the next big tragedy for us to "move on" - maybe we're not even close to the beginning of the end - or the end of the beginning - but I do know we're conditioned to have a coda - and I also think people have burned through most of the "stages" at this point. I don't even want to think about the impact a second wave of this due to relaxed social distancing.
  4. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

  5. FileNotFound

    FileNotFound Well-Known Member

    “This never happened” is pretty simple and straightforward. Hope it doesn’t turn into his “Ah did not. have. sexual relations. with that woman” moment.

    I suppose the logical follow-up is, “So what did happen?” Because it’s not going away until he definitively answers that question.
  6. Regan MacNeil

    Regan MacNeil Well-Known Member

    “Reade said.” Oh, well, I’m convinced.
  7. Kato

    Kato Well-Known Member

    I don't know what to believe on this Biden stuff. I don't know if I'm skeptical of the story because I'm supporting him or if I truly think it's BS. One reason why I think it's BS is the accusation itself, literally grabbing some one by the p***y. That just seems a little too on-the-nose, doesn't it?
  8. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Isn't the logical follow-up answer "nothing"?
  9. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

  10. Jesus_Muscatel

    Jesus_Muscatel Well-Known Member

    The lawlessness never ends. This infantile, off-his-rocker motherfucker is a skid mark on humanity. My God.
    garrow likes this.
  11. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Get real. The demand to release those papers has nothing to do with Tara Reade and everything to do with the desire of bored Washington reporters and eager Republican researchers to go over a 36-year Senate career looking for the inevitable instances of how the sausage gets made in the Capitol.
    Neutral Corner likes this.
  12. Regan MacNeil

    Regan MacNeil Well-Known Member

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