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Muh Muh Muh My Corona (virus)

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Twirling Time, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

  2. Patchen

    Patchen Well-Known Member

    Catholic. Pro-life voter. Journalist. Considering Trump and his brand of Republicans a disaster is not a liberal thing. It’s the smart thing- for the country and whatever brand of Christianity you prefer. Associating with him is a disaster and will ultimately damage all.

  3. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

  4. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    It was in huge trouble before the pandemic. The shutdown just accelerated the inevitable.

    You will see a lot of bankruptcies, and they will get attributed to the pandemic, but the truth is you had a boatload of overleveraged companies that were teetering already in the "greatest economy in history," and these bankruptcies were coming with or without the pandemic.

    In the case of J. Crew, it is a common story, unfortunately. A once thriving brand saw sales dropping. Shareholders were agitating. A couple of private equity firms came in with a leveraged buyout offer that got accepted, took the company private, and left it with billions of dollars of crippling debt on top of a business that wasn't competitive. The company has been drowning in that debt since.

    That kind of leveraged buyout was exactly the kind of misallocated capital that the Federal Reserve should be answering for, but won't, even as they make things worse now. The J. Crew LBO only happens in an environment in which interest rates are being artificially price fixed to make money way too cheap, forcing savers to take more and more risk to earn a return. In a free debt market, in which there is no moral hazard and lenders are on the hook for their mistakes, financing that insane doesn't get done. J. Crew has been a zombie company for at least the last 5 years. All of the debt that kept it propped up, was capital that a free market would have allocated to potentially productive things instead. It pulled growth from the future that we won't get now.
  5. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

  6. Mngwa

    Mngwa Well-Known Member

    OscarMadison likes this.
  7. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Inky_Wretch likes this.
  8. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

  9. MTM

    MTM Well-Known Member

    Found this on Facebook, so consider the source, but there is great insight

    Copied from a Costco employee

    I can’t. I just can’t. I just logged on... and the first thing my eyes saw was a post about Costco requiring patrons to wear a mask or other face covering starting next week. There were over SIX HUNDRED comments with (people) having an absolute meltdown. I mean... I’m dumbfounded. Like boycotting/cancelling memberships/pouting/foot stomping meltdown. So, I’m just going to give my friends fair warning. I’ve had enough with this trend of self-pity disguised as patriotism.

    You don’t need to be a doctor, or a scientist, or an expert or anything else on this particular issue. You just need to be able to see in front of your nose.

    Things to consider before you clutch your pearls, stomp off indignantly, or get a case of the vapors over this intolerable assault on your human rights... just to shop at Costco.

    You are not the center of the universe.
    Nor am I.

    Our supply chain is struggling. Retailers are spread CRAZY thin and can not handle more of their staff being out sick or quarantined if they can help it.
    Hourly retail workers have parents and children and spouses who are medically fragile. And they simply want to work in the safest possible environment. I know, HOW DARE THEY!

    Costco in particular has a long history of paying its employees a better wage than any competitors, and provides really solid benefits. They are probably a company worth supporting.

    Your medically fragile friends and neighbors can stay home to a point. They do need to eat. They do need to pick up prescriptions. No one is asking you to wear a mask at a night club. Of course medically fragile people don’t NEED to be at a nightclub. They DO need to get groceries and prescriptions.

    No business owner wants to end up being sued when an essential retail worker gets sick or infects a bunch of people. Because let’s face it, the government’s promises to handle the financial impacts of this hasn’t exactly panned out for businesses so far.

    There are far bigger assaults on one’s 'freedom' and autonomy. Did you know that many adult women can’t get their tubes tied without their partner’s written consent? Abortion bans. Child trafficking. Sex trades. Discrimination of age, gender, religion, sexual preference. Blink. Blink. Blink.

    Just imagine the amount of privilege and comfort one must live in to be so insulted or tortured by what is, at worst, a mild inconvenience.

    So, before you get all Scarlet O’hara, just stop. Ask yourself if of allllll the battles to pick in this whole wide word right now, this....THIS...is going to be the cross you choose bear.

    Maybe this is all for nothing. Maybe face coverings aren’t as efficient, or fool proof, or comfortable as we’d like. But, you aren’t being tortured or oppressed. Do those hard working supply chain workers a solid and get over yourself.

    And before I see one more smug, “Well they better be handing masks out at the door then”; You’re also required to wear a shirt and shoes into stores, but no one‘s going to provide that for you either.

    Ask yourself why you, a retail shopper deserve a handout from Costco. I mean you’ve eaten $5000 worth of free samples there in your lifetime anyway. We are asking many of our healthcare workers to wear bandanas and t-shirts as masks. You aren’t above it. There are school children all over this country who are sewing masks to give away. If a 7 year old can be a decent person and choose to make the world a little more comfortable or safe, then so can you.

    This isn’t a Burger King drive-through, and no we can’t have it our way. This disease, infection, pandemic, whatever you wanna call it, doesn’t give a shit about you or me. Doesn’t give a shit about black, white, short, tall, age, gender. It’s not our battle to dictate.

    The bottom line is, don’t be a dick. Just put a mask on your self centered, mouth breathing face and let the greeter see the smile in our eyes as we head off to buy our cases of bottled water, pool floats, 10 pound bags of Cheetos, bulk items and cheap premixed margaritas. You’ll be fine.”
  10. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Yeah, that's pretty good. A guy I went to high school with is all up in arms and I want to post THINK ABOUT SOMEONE BESIDES YOURSELF FOR ONCE YOU POMPOUS ASSHOLE. Maybe I'll just copy and paste that.

    Put on a fucking mask. It ain't that hard.
  11. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    That's kind of true, of course. But I think it's at least as much because national media (and niche media) has decided its role is to be advocates for certain groups of people, and accusers of other groups. The media also culls most of its workforce (sometimes needlessly) from colleges that make very clear what the role of the press should be. Professors make clear, too, their political leanings.
  12. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    My Costco hasn't had the giant Cheetos bags in a long time and I'm pretty upset about it. Oh, and people who are getting all sh*tty about wearing masks can go eff themselves.
    2muchcoffeeman likes this.
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