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Muh Muh Muh My Corona (virus)

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Twirling Time, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Exactly. Which makes the poll kind of meaningless, because people will always have their own exceptions while telling themselves "I'm staying home as much as possible. Really!" They get to sound thoughtful in the poll AND basically do whatever they want. Win-win.

    I'm curious. How many people here are having groceries delivered?
  2. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    Early on in this, I had a Facebook friend (an avowed Trumper) all giddy that they showed Coronavirus could survive on reusable bags we take to the store.

    This is where this guy was spiking the football.
  3. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    I think that's where the "as much as possible" comes in to play. I looked on Costco to see what kinds of things I could have delivered and it's really hit or miss and some deliveries can take at least a week. I'm better off going to the store to find what I need, especially if I want meat or fresh vegetables. That said, I did get a shipment of cleaning supplies delivered so that is one less thing I need to worry about getting at the store for at least a couple of months.

    Other than that, I'm really just leaving my house to take a walk. Occasionally I leave to drop something off at a family member's house (we have a standing if someone finds something another needs, we'll deliver it). I may not fill up my car again until at least mid June. If it wasn't for the fact I got called into work a couple of times (which represents an hour round trip), I might not have fueled up my car since mid March (finally had to gas up about three weeks ago after not for six weeks).
    OscarMadison likes this.
  4. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Another institution of higher learning announced its incoming students will be online only for the fall semester -- Harvard Medical School. I take that as a bad sign.
  5. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    I like the kid. She seems really sincere. I think she's a pawn for the emerging green energy industry. Now, if she goes on TV and says "the virus exposes the flaws in globalism, especially as it relates to travel, and the first step to safety is sharply reducing any non-essential travel and vacations to other countries", well, she'd be half cocked, but she'd be consistent.
  6. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Real talk: I'm leaving the house a bunch. I stop by the office once a week to grab mail. I go to the grocery store when I feel like it, with mask in tow. I've been ordering takeout a bunch. I walk. I bike. I grab takeout beer from local breweries. I've gone to friends' houses. Friends have come over to mine, though that social circle is really tight, less than 10 people, and people that I trust are for the most part being smart about taking precautions.

    I haven't gone shopping for things other than food and beverage, really. Which I guess goes to my point about Virginia and its opening ... the phase 1 is really an extension of that sort of activity. I've noticed some restaurants and breweries are opening their patios and rooftops this weekend. Others are not. I suspect the ones that aren't are doing enough of a brisk takeaway business that it makes sense for them to wait it out a bit longer.

    Whenever we go into phase 2 -- gatherings of up to 50 -- that will be the real test to me if we have this under control here.
  7. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

  8. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    I would add in overweight, and be willing to bet that the characterizations and conditions that you cite touch quite a few of us on this board, or would/could even without much stretching, age-wise.

    I have unexplained COPD (even though I've never smoked in my life) that was diagnosed in the course of intensive pre-operative respiratory testing prior to my weight-loss surgery 12 years ago. As of now, it is still mild. I have an inhaler that I don't use all the time because I don't need to, but COPD is progressive, and it is something I'm aware of and I keep tabs on it. I myself actually attribute the condition to residual lung issues resulting from my very premature birth (2 1/2 months early). These days, a baby born even at that time has a pretty good chance of surviving. Back when I was born? I almost didn't make it.

    Many others on here, I'm sure, are quite overweight, and/or very susceptible to being too heavy, or are people who smoke, or once did so for years, or who have high blood pressure or diabetes, or else are susceptible to them based on their personal/family histories. (Diabetes runs deep in my family).

    Still, I don't think anybody is talking about sacrificing older people -- I'm very sure there are lots of people on here who are in their 40s, 50s and 60s (that's why a lot of us are former journalists).

    What I do think is happening is that people are just reaching the end of their tether with this long haul lockdown and various restrictions and employment-killing and dire daily countdowns when, despite the big numbers of cases and deaths, the coronavirus has not actually personally or closely impacted many of us in any truly negative way other than economically.

    People are also coming to the conclusion, as we're starting to hear suggested more and more, that, short of a widely available and implemented vaccine, the coronavirus isn't going to go away. Ever. That it's going to become a known, oft-occurring condition somewhat akin in colds/flu in its frequency that we're just going to be having to live with. And that's what they're doing, and just wanting to live with it in the normal course of living -- i.e. without long-term lockdowns, constant mask-wearing, and not doing this or that, here or there.

    It may be selfish, but without a vaccine -- which is unlikely to be on the scene in less than 18 months -- it is also almost inevitable.
    Last edited: May 13, 2020
    OscarMadison likes this.
  9. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    Who would play on their regular poker game anytime in the next couple of weeks?

    My “reopen now” (a month ago) buddy wants to gather for our game a couple weeks from now. We could play outside if the weather is good, but then you gotta consider everyone’s touching the same cards and chips...
  10. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    I can't imagine that going over well. But, like you, I think she means it. And if we're going to deal with climate, it's going to be the newest generation of teens and young adults who get the momentum going. Very soon, they will be the main demographic everyone is trying land with new products and they won't be able to sell the same shit they sold on even Millennials. We'll see. Curious what she says about Coronavirus. Probably how this is an example of what happens if the world slows down, it starts to heal.
    HanSenSE likes this.
  11. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Sure. Weight. Asthma too.

    I keep saying it. We won't really take this seriously until we get a big die-off. Probably Nov.-Dec. of this year. Maybe then we'll get serious about testing and contact tracing.
  12. 3_Octave_Fart

    3_Octave_Fart Well-Known Member

    Oscar Madison, I wish the best for your navigation of these waters.

    This is about being part of a society. And a decent society (which we've now proven beyond all doubt that we're not) looks out for its most vulnerable members.
    OscarMadison likes this.
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