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Whitlock out at Fox Sports

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Regan MacNeil, Jun 1, 2020.

  1. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    Maybe it'll work for awhile.

    But Whitlock is virtually unemployable when this sours. He's outside the Olbermann Window: been at Fox twice and ESPN twice.

    No newspaper would spend what little it has left on him.

    He's got nowhere else to go.
    3_Octave_Fart likes this.
  2. BYH 2: Electric Boogaloo

    BYH 2: Electric Boogaloo Well-Known Member

    How about injecting bleach while Whitlock and Travis screech?
    JosephDHippolito likes this.
  3. stix

    stix Well-Known Member

    God I hate Clay Travis.

    He’s the putz of all putzes. Whitlock ain’t much better these days, or ever.

    I really have no patience for the “I’m always right, I’m going to rub it in your face when I’m right and even if I’m wrong I’m going to insist I’m right” worldview.

    It’s infantile. It’s like people like Whitlock and Travis are perpetually 22 years old. No thanks. Not interesting.
  4. BYH 2: Electric Boogaloo

    BYH 2: Electric Boogaloo Well-Known Member

    Olbermann is also obscenely talented and truthful. It says a lot when he scorches bridges and people still want to work with him. If I recall correctly (mostly b/c I'm trying to forget I read his work), Mike Freeman wrote in his ESPN book that people warned him to be skeptical of what Olbermann said, but absolutely everything Olbermann said was vetted and proven 100% truthful.
  5. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    Nowhere else to go? He's the Mayo of sportswritertalking.

    swingline likes this.
  6. Flip Wilson

    Flip Wilson Well-Known Member

    The local ESPN radio affiliate parted ways with its popular afternoon drivetime hosts not too long ago. I caught a few minutes of the replacements' show the other day, and one of the guys was bragging about his fraternity winning a campus-wide talent competition...in the early '90s.

    So...yeah...forever 22.
    stix likes this.
  7. justgladtobehere

    justgladtobehere Well-Known Member

    That announcement doesn't mention Travis hosting a show on Fox Sports Radio. The radio network is separate from Fox Sports, but is Whitlock going to be involve
  8. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    Whitlock's first proper column on the site:

    Liberals Are Right; Their Silence Is Violence

    We want the police to hand over drunken felons to Uber drivers? Should the Uber driver see Rayshard Brooks into his home and tuck him in bed, too? Should taxpayers pay for Rayshard’s Uber ride? What other perks should we offer drunk drivers?

    This feels like orchestrated insanity. Unfortunately it’s something worse. I’ve heard conservative commentators call it the “soft bigotry” of low expectations. It’s not soft. It’s lethal bigotry.

    Liberals — white and black — are imploring black people to adopt behaviors that lead to our destruction.
  9. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Same old Whitlock horseshit.
  10. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

  11. GBNF

    GBNF Well-Known Member

    He is one shitty writer.
  12. FileNotFound

    FileNotFound Well-Known Member

    Not to pile on, but holy wow, that’s bad. He is in so far over his head.
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