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Tucker Carlson...how in the heck did this guy happen?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Alma, Jul 2, 2020.

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  1. Carlkolchak

    Carlkolchak Member

    Whites are not white supremacists they just create great civilizations that many many minorities want to enter legally or illegally. Now the self chosen vampires want to take over those white civilizations and Bolshevik the white power regime. Trump winning and Tucker Carlson doing his thing are major steps in the fight back. We are in a war.

    The self chosen vampires never learn an important lesson: History always repeats itself.
  2. Carlkolchak

    Carlkolchak Member

    The self chosen vampires can't create or build their own great civilization, they have to steal one. Creating race wars via the media manipulation tactics won't succeed.
  3. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    There is no such thing as white genocide.
  4. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    The white man has it so fucking tough.

    Get lost.
  5. Carlkolchak

    Carlkolchak Member

    Will the self chosen vampires blackball Michelle Malkin for telling the truth? The truth is forbidden in the world of fake news media manipulation. Becaue truth destroys their mass mind control of the public. He who controls the information controls the people. Trump and Carlson and new media have dstroyed the fake news grip...

    BLM’s perpetual fake outrage cycle
    Michelle Malkin: Like George Floyd and Rodney King, Jacob Blake ‘brazenly resisted arrest’
    By Michelle Malkin
    Published August 25, 2020 at 7:20pm
    Here we go again: Manufacture. Rinse. Repeat.
    Everyone knows the cycle. Everyone knows it ends with false and incomplete narratives eventually being debunked by actual facts. Everyone knows that the racial myth-makers and political opportunists end up with fame, wealth and glory – but never any criminal punishments or moral accountability.
    Everyone knows, yet on and on and on it goes.
    Step 1: Spread out-of-context video clip of black man subdued or shot by white cops across national media airwaves and social media platforms.
    Step 2: Riot.
    Step 3: Accuse law enforcement and America of “systemic racism,” decry police brutality and demand “justice” for fill-in-the-blank “victim.”
    Step 4: Riot.
    Step 5. Enter Al Sharpton, Benjamin Crump, Black Lives Matter chief propagandist Shaun King and the rest of the racial hoax crime brigade.
    Step 6: Persecute and prosecute involved police officers.
    Step 7: Burn, loot and maraud nationwide.
    Step 8: Demand more funding for “restorative justice,” “alternative” policing, sensitivity training and “anti-racism” programs.
    Step 9: Bury all evidence of justified police action while screaming, “Racism!” ever louder.
    Step 10: Lie in wait for the next opportunity to return to Step 1.
    I’ve been covering this self-destructive ritual in American life since the very beginning of my journalism career in 1992, when the Rodney King beating video led to the acquittal of four Los Angeles police department officers, which led to the L.A. riots…
  6. Carlkolchak

    Carlkolchak Member

    Mike Milbury fired. John Rocker blackballed. Drew Brees attacked. Tennys Sandgren attacked. When whites speak their mind they are crucified like Jesus Christ.

    When Montrezl Harrell, Charles Barkley, Nick Cannon say something anti white they get a minor slap on the wrist. But if they say something about the news, they get crucified.
  7. Carlkolchak

    Carlkolchak Member

    Fake anti white media and NBA let Montrezl Harrell off the hook for calling Doncic a bitch ass white boy. Now if Doncic called Harrell a bitch ass black boy, the anti white media would still be crucifying Doncic for another two months.

    When an innocent white kid age 5 Connor Kinnant is shot by a black thug, media is silent. When a stupid thug like Jacob Blake resists arrest and disobeys police commands and tries to grab a knife the sick media tries to turn him into a hero, like that other freak show drug addict lowlife loser Floyd George. White privilege is a fake construct by the (((media))) to incite hate on whites from non whites. Whites are always portrayed as the bad guy in the media and are losing out because of affirmative action etc.
  8. Carlkolchak

    Carlkolchak Member

    What Mike Milbury said was nothing but the anti white media crucified him. The fake news media hates white people unless your gay, liberal, anti Christ, anti Trump.
  9. Carlkolchak

    Carlkolchak Member

    The power of the media was massive. At first homosexuality was termed a "mental disorder" my doctors but now the media has turned homosexuality into something heroic and brave and great. They reward openly homosexuals who promote it. Ellen. Back in the day no kid wanted to change his gender, but the media glamorized and rewarded transgenderism and now kids actually want to change genders. Now the media is busy trying to normalize pedophilia.

    Degenerate filth. Satanic agenda. Try to destroy everything beautiful created by God.
  10. Carlkolchak

    Carlkolchak Member

    It's all by design to flood white nations with non whites, its not happening by chance. And then the media controlled by you know who, incite non whites to hate whites. Vicious black on white crimes like a thug knocking out an 85 yr old white woman are covered up but if a white does it to a black senior citizen (never happens) it would be turned into a historical news event.

    The world is fast awakening to the anti white media agendas thanks to Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson and many others. The deep state communist news media are panicking. It's just a matter of time before good destroys evil once again.
  11. Carlkolchak

    Carlkolchak Member

    Putin said it best but the fake news media crucifies him: "Minorities need Russia, Russia does not need minorities."

    Ever wonder why israel forbids minorities???
  12. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    Whites have power. Blacks don't.
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