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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    Wish there was a better story.

    I was field producing our election coverage from the Biltmore. McCain and Palin were there along with all of the Republican heavyweights from Arizona, so we were handling a large percentage of the coverage that night as results came in. The mood was pretty good early in the evening... and got a lot darker as the numbers rolled in.

    We were set up in the sea of media and supporters in a ballroom where McCain was supposed to give the victory or concession speech. At the last second they decided he would give the speech outdoors on the other end of the resort. That set off a stampede, with the supporters destroying most of the landscaping to get to the stage. McCain's handlers grabbed all of the local media to prevent us from getting near that speech. (I've covered a lot of election campaigns. I've never been around one on any level -- school board on up -- that had staff as incompetent as the people McCain had by the end of that presidential run.)

    So while America celebrated the election of the first Black president, I sat in a mostly empty ballroom watching McCain's concession on TV... and getting screamed at by drunk elderly people who were too frail to cross the resort to the speech and blamed the media for McCain losing.

    Also, got food poisoning from the spread for the media. Don't eat shrimp served to you in the desert by people who don't like you.
  2. Machine Head

    Machine Head Well-Known Member

    All was not well in Journey land in 2018

    I share because I care and will keep you all updated.

    You are welcome

    From Johnathan Cain of drive in movie screen head fame:

    Do you think there’s an audience for new Journey songs?
    It’s small [makes a tiny circle with his finger and thumb] I’ve certainly been writing. I’ve got some killer new ideas, so maybe it’ll happen. I’m looking forward. If it’s going to happen, we have to all come together. And it has to feel like the right time.

    So there's no audience or demand for your work. Way to put that out there publicly, Jon.

    Who said no politics? Fom the article:

    Just a few months after they were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last year, Journey went into complete meltdown mode. The trouble began near the end of their summer tour when guitarist Neal Schon began unloading on keyboardist Jonathan Cain via Twitter and a series of interviews. He was furious that Cain took members of the group to the White House and posed for photos with Donald Trump (Cain’s wife, Paula White, is the president’s spiritual advisor). He was also upset that Cain, in his view, minimized his contributions to key songs like “Don’t Stop Believin'” and that he was using the band’s platform to share his born-again Christian views with the fan base.

    “I’ve stated how I felt about mixing religion and politics and how our music is not of one religion – Democratic or Republican,” Schon wrote on Instagram. “This is and has been an issue with myself Mr. Cain and his now wife, since he married. I’ve had to fight this whole time to protect the brand I built with Steve Perry, way before Gregg [Rolie] and I picked Cain to replace himself when he wanted to retire from the road back then. Well frankly, I’m tired of having to defend all by my self. [Journey bassist] Ross [Valory] is no help.”

    The bass player is of no help says Neal.

    The bass players never get any respect. Other than Gene. And Phil.

    Journey's Jonathan Cain Talks Band Feud, Possibility of New Music
    TowelWaver likes this.
  3. Machine Head

    Machine Head Well-Known Member

    So you were yelled at by old drunks and got food poisoning from the spread.

    Sounds like happy hour at places I frequented before the pandemic.

    I like how you roll!
  4. Machine Head

    Machine Head Well-Known Member

    I pretty much lost a couple of friendships of 40 plus years this evening.

    The weather is nice here today, so drinks outside and dinner.

    We'll still see each other, but there were raised voices and such that won't go away.

    I didn't start it and two times told them no politics. The third time it was clear things needed to be aired.

    Just heartbreaking to loose friends to the trump cult of personality.
    wicked, OscarMadison and TowelWaver like this.
  5. Machine Head

    Machine Head Well-Known Member

    But on the bright side, I found a boot cassette of a Charlie Daniels Band concert.

    In 1979 Charlie was still singing about taking another toke, so he hadn't gone 'round the bend, yet.

    He gets put into the redneck box, on but this set has blues and jazz riffs.

    Dude went nuts, but if you look into his catalog and work he put out some good stuff beyond the Devil went to Georgia or the White House or whatever.
  6. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Charlie played on the Dirt Band's "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" when he was still a Nashville session musician. He was also an early Nashville Outlaw and ran with Willie, Waylon, and the boys.

    He could flat play, and he was as wild as any of them before he got religion.
    2muchcoffeeman and OscarMadison like this.
  7. matt_garth

    matt_garth Well-Known Member

    Thought all my emotions were wrung out. I was wrong.

    TowelWaver likes this.
  8. matt_garth

    matt_garth Well-Known Member

  9. Della9250

    Della9250 Well-Known Member

    We posted a generic wire story: Race is called, Biden wins. In a red state, here were some of the comments:

    "WHEN HE raises your house taxes goes s m y high and your guns ar taken away and you can't protect your family m just smile and say I voted for that"

    "Excuse me, but since when does the media determine who wins an election? Last I looked it was determined by a final count of all legal votes, and we aren't there yet. Shame on your newspaper for jumping on the bandwagon."

    "It ain't over until God says it's over. We faithful Americans are in for the long haul as Trump fights for our justice."

    "Hope you enjoy $5 a gallon for gas and a $600 electric bill asshole"

    "RECOUNT !"

    "Really? When did all 50 states finish with tabulation, canvassing, and certify the results? THE MEDIA DOES NOT DECIDE WHO WON AN ELECTION."

    "Which comes first? Joe out and Kamala in or China invades Taiwan and US military is pulled out of South China Sea? Both inevitable I fear."

    "Hahahah just wait. Hate to break it to you but Trump did not lose"


    "# 46 is not my President. Thay stole the election and he will do nothing for this country enjoy the next 4 years of nazi Germany y'all Deserve it"
  10. goalmouth

    goalmouth Well-Known Member

    The Beast is yet to cum

  11. Bud_Bundy

    Bud_Bundy Well-Known Member

    It took under 2 hours for one of my Trump-loving friends on Facebook to put up the "Not My President" and "Impeach Biden" memes. Well, he's now a former FB friend.
  12. Noholesinone

    Noholesinone Well-Known Member

    I can only imagine what Trump is like after he loses a press on the last hole because he misses a 4-footer his opponent wouldn't give him.
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