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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. Scout

    Scout Well-Known Member

    maga2020 is better than 1234, I guess.

    maga2024 or maga2020! is good
  2. 3_Octave_Fart

    3_Octave_Fart Well-Known Member

    Richard Nixon : That's our tragedy, you and I, Mr. Frost. No matter how high we get, they still look down at us.

    David Frost : I really don't know what you're talking about.

    Richard Nixon : Yes, you do. Now come on. No matter how many awards or column inches are written about you, or how high the elected office is, it's still not enough. We still feel like the little man. The loser. They told us we were a hundred times, the smart asses in college, the high-ups. The well-born. The people whose respect we really wanted. Really craved. And isn't that why we work so hard now, why we fight for every inch? Scrambling our way up in undignified fashion. If we're honest for a minute, if we reflect privately, just for a moment, if we allow ourselves a glimpse into that shadowy place we call our soul, isn't that why we're here? Now? The two of us. Looking for a way back into the sun. Into the limelight. Back onto the winner's podium. Because we can feel it slipping away. We were headed, both of us, for the dirt. The place the snobs always told us that we'd end up. Face in the dust, humiliated all the more for having tried. So pitifully hard. Well, to *hell with that*! We're not going to let that happen, either of us. We're going to show those bums, we're going to make 'em choke on our continued success. Our continued headlines! Our continued awards! And power! And glory! We are gonna make those mother fuckers *choke*!
  3. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Again, and for the millionth time, it will be something to watch as the Republicans try to force the public and press back into the pre-Trump norms and expectations of a president and their administration.

    There's only 300,000 dead from a pandemic so poorly managed, you'd almost think it was deliberate. In some truth it was as the desired herd immunity stories comes out, but as Luke O'Neil points out on Twitter, " If Covid were a sentient being that arrived on earth and promised DeSantis and Trump riches and power beyond their dreams if they only agreed to comply with its nefarious designs on taking over how exactly would they have behaved much differently?"

    And honestly, how different would it be? But if you are chasing the shiny object that is a higher education professor, who has a doctorate, using Dr. as a title, then how can you report on the tens of thousands of dead who wouldn't be if Trump wasn't a massive fuckup.

    Or someone incoming Biden person described Congressional republicans as "fuckers" and said "Mitch McConnell was terrible" getting your coverage in on distracts that Russia is currently engaging in a cyber attack on the American government and have gotten into the country's nuclear arsenal.

    Republican senators are already calling for a contested Electoral College process in January. The coup is still very much ongoing. Electoral College votes were done in secure, locked down buildings with some wearing bullet proof vests, but Hunter Biden did something something.

    It is just all so gross and stupid.
  4. swingline

    swingline Well-Known Member

    Acting/interim AG and fuck them. Fuck the GOP ghouls every goddamn chance you get.
    Baron Scicluna likes this.
  5. champ_kind

    champ_kind Well-Known Member

    I think a problem on the right is there are certain problems they have idea how to solve or don't want to solve because they benefit their donors. Climate change and COVID are gigantic problems that require dynamic, forward-thinking solutions. What's easier, putting in a ton of effort to solve them (and on some level still fail because they're really tough problems), or pretending they aren't actually problems?
  6. UPChip

    UPChip Well-Known Member

    Can I ask a stupid question re: Garland? I don't know a hell of a lot about his legal background, but I didn't think there were a lot of Constitutional law scholars who were in the AG pool or vice versa. I mean, I'm not going to cry if he is a "Fuck you" kind of pick, but if he's doing a good job on the DC Circuit and Doug Jones is up to the whole AG thing, why not?
  7. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Covid isn't an especially gigantic problem that requires dynamic forward thinking.

    >> Wear a mask
    >> Model good behavior and use public appearances to emphasize that good behavior to get desired results
    >> Use wartime powers early and liberally to ramp up production of needed items
    >> Use the full faith and credit of the US government to buy vaccines privately developed

    Trump only did the latter and instead turned wearing a mask into some culture war bullshit that left tens of thousands dead. All because he thought he'd look like a pussy if he had a mask on in public.
  8. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    Right wing twitter idiots are up in arm about arresting John Roberts, linking him to Epstein, saying his a Soros plant, you name it.
  9. champ_kind

    champ_kind Well-Known Member

    Certain things though, like paying people not to work or paying restaurants to stay closed, are so antithetical to their ideals about work and bootstraps that there's a mental block they can't get around. Like there are solutions to some COVID problems they aren't even capable of thinking of, so they fall to back to "open back up and the market will handle everything."
  10. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

  11. MTM

    MTM Well-Known Member

  12. Mngwa

    Mngwa Well-Known Member

    3_Octave_Fart likes this.
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