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President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Nov 12, 2016.

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  1. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member


  2. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    So much data. ROFLMAO

    And this portion looks like it will have interesting results.

    Interestingly, the moderation tools were apparently useful. Obviously, a tool is only as useful as the tool who’s supposed to be using it.

    It looks like the Parler apps may have been keeping lat/long coordinates for every post … which is now in the hands of people who former Parler users hate. I think “Rotation” may refer to which direction the user’s smartphone was pointed at the time of the post (yeah, your smartphone can do that).

    Parler had a system set up by which people considered its “best” or “most favored” users could become paid influencers (“tips”) on the service.

    If I’m reading things right, they’re going to have the whole thing posted on archive.org for public perusal and use when the team is done processing the data.

    More coverage: Every Deleted Parler Post, Many With Users' Location Data, Has Been Archived
  3. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I think that video of the guy kicked off the flight and freaking out in an airport may have been b/c he refused to wear a mask. ... not b/c of the riots / the no fly list. That list is a function of the Patriot Act, and there is no Federal Crime of domestic terrorism, so the rioters are being charged with crimes that don't label them as "terrorists." I don't think they can (or did) just place people on the list like that.

    We should be really careful about wanting people just placed on no fly lists and being punished without their day in court. The Patriot Act is an abomination that gives unaccountable authorities the ability to trample all over the bill of rights. If they can prove that any particular person was involved in the riots, we have the laws to charge them and hold them accountable. That is what we should be doing -- what they appear to be trying to do. The temptation to look for shortcuts or to try to hurt those people before they get due process is dangerous. That kind of power potentially doesn't just get used on "terrorists." Consider how that kind of authority would get used vindictively by Donald Trump.
  4. 3_Octave_Fart

    3_Octave_Fart Well-Known Member

    What Ragu said- this requires a careful approach.

    These terrorists voluntarily give up the front and back sides of their driver's licenses and they believe they're being doxxed. You can't fix stupid.
  5. DanielSimpsonDay

    DanielSimpsonDay Well-Known Member

  6. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    I won't even use the "English isn't her first language" or "What did Michelle Obama say about it" copouts. Of all the First Ladies, who gives a flying fuck what this one has to say.
  7. FileNotFound

    FileNotFound Well-Known Member

    Looks like impeachment won’t be brought today. Resolution asking Pence to invoke the 25th just presented, House adjourned until 9 am Tuesday.
  8. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    Its been a while since I've been told that the Muslims are the biggest threat to our country.
    Or that caravan that's south of the border.
    Neutral Corner likes this.
  9. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  10. 3_Octave_Fart

    3_Octave_Fart Well-Known Member

    'Trump was raging because the poor white trash mob made him look bad'

    Nero had by his side a slave that was remarkably named by the ancient sources.

    Trump had Stephen Miller and Uncle Rudy left in the room when it was all going down. That seems about right.
    maumann likes this.
  11. Jake from State Farm

    Jake from State Farm Well-Known Member

  12. kickoff-time

    kickoff-time Well-Known Member

    GOP campaign committee acknowledges violence at Capitol but says impeaching Trump would be divisive

    Isn't this the pot calling the kettle black?
    Mngwa likes this.
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