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Today in cops gone feral

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by dixiehack, Sep 1, 2017.

  1. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Did you watch the bodycam footage or read the summary? A lot of it can.
    Honestly, it seems like it might have been suicide by cop.
  2. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    He didn't get lit up making a delivery with a bag of food in each hand.
    He had a gun in the car and had taken a shot at the cops in the opening moments of a 7-minute chase. He'd bailed out of a moving car and was trying to get away on foot, in a residential area. He was wearing a ski mask, for God's sake. In June.
    I'm sure his family thinks he's a sweet guy who would always take food to homeless orphans on Sunday. But I don't know how you can look at this incident objectively and not have as many questions about Walker's end of it as you do the cops' actions.
    Bu77ers likes this.
  3. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    He didn’t take a shot at the cops.
  4. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    I'm willing to go with "allegedly" for the moment, but the facts right now indicate otherwise.
    The cop who initiated the pursuit reported a shot about 40 seconds into the chase. You can hear it on the bodycam footage. A traffic camera caught what is believed to be a muzzle flash coming from his car. They recovered a shell casing from the area that they're testing to see if it matches up to the gun found in his car.
    He didn't have a gun during his final stand, but there seems to be plenty of evidence that he did in fact shoot at the cops — or something happened with his car that made them think he was shooting at them.
  5. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but they were known cop killers who had full auto weapons, and the police who riddled their car did as well. Not much sympathy for those two.
  6. Brooklyn Bridge

    Brooklyn Bridge Well-Known Member

    The guy was delivery driver (more dangerous than being a cop BTW) and had a gun in the car, which is legal in Ohio. No reason other than “traffic stop” was given for the stop. Said gun was in the car when he was shot. Cops proceeded to handcuff the bullet-riddled body instead administering CPR.
    sgreenwell likes this.
  7. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Have you done one second of homework on this case?
    I'll leave open the possibility that the cops are full of shit. It happens. And there are still plenty of hard questions that need to be answered — about both the actions of the cops and of Walker. The cops were certainly quick on the trigger in an intense situation. But the evidence presented so far does not seem to point toward any sort of nefarious, premeditated plot like you seem to want it to.
  8. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    The cops can’t even come up with reason they wanted to pull him over.

    Taking a Shot or not while in car, the facts are:

    Was tased unsuccessfully,
    then shot over 60 times while running away.

    No one should EVER be shot once or 60 times and killed under these facts.

    You want to say outrage justifies it? How about starting with mass shooters before minor traffic violations and a potential shot over 10 mins before running away on foot. I read he’s never even had any criminal record. Just wrong.
  9. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Fine. Shoot 'em all and let God sort 'em out. Summary executions for all!
  10. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I have no idea if he fired a shot at them while driving. It's really a non-issue unless they have actual proof that that happened, and right now that proof doesn't exist. My BS detector tells me this. ... a guy who was firing at them from a moving car if that really happened, wasn't going to take off on foot and leave the gun behind. It defies all credence.

    My sense is that the cops were typical cops, treating every interaction (that THEY initiate) like it is a mortal threat to them, they were trigger happy, got amped up and one shot from one moron turned into a bunch of morons emptying their guns.
  11. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    Exactly what I was proposing. Go ahead, die on that hill. Keep fighting the good fight, "there's a chance that ......"

    Am I jumping to conclusions? ABSOLUTELY, because unarmed man was shot 60 times in the back. Those facts have been confirmed by the police chief. The body cam footage doesn't change those facts.

    Now lets see if he was "a known associate" of somebody potentially involved in a drug deal in 2015; yes that will change who has the responsibility for the outcome.
  12. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Except there is some proof — audio from the bodycam and video from a separate traffic camera, as well as possibly a shell casing — that indicates he did. Or that at least something happened with his car that resembled a gunshot.
    By all accounts the cops weren't pulling him over as a suspect, it was just a routine traffic stop for an unspecified equipment violation and a traffic violation that quickly escalated.
    If the cops believed they had been shot at, they had no way of knowing in the 10 seconds after Walker left the car and fled on foot if he still had the gun on him or not. And Door Dash driver, swell guy, etc., at that point the police had no idea who this guy was or his back story. They're not omnipotent. For all they know the guy running from them in a dark parking lot at 12:30 a.m. could be a serial killer with a body in the trunk.

    There are a few newer details that seem interesting:
    1) The wedding band he left behind. Seems his fiancee was killed in a pretty grisly car accident in May. So was the ring his? Hers? Family members said he didn't seem to be acting unusual, but who knows what was really going on inside his head? If he was depressed, could this have been a suicide by cop deal? Just an emotionally distracted guy who made a terrible decision in a difficult time in his life?

    2) The gun was found on the back seat, but the photo that was released had it on the front seat. There was also a loaded magazine that was not in the gun in the picture.
    So why did the police move it? Where exactly was it on the back seat? Could he have fired the shot and tossed it there? Or was it there the whole time, which would have made it impossible for him to have fired the shot? Was it loaded and the police unloaded it for the picture, or were the magazine and gun separate when they found them?
    Those are the million dollar questions here, because Walker allegedly firing the shot was what sent this thing to Defcon 1. If the gun was in the back seat the whole time, or unloaded, then obviously he could not have fired a shot. If he fired, or was trying to unload the gun and it went off, then it supports the police's reasoning that he was a potential deadly threat. There were no bullet holes in his car. Some forensics work should be able to tell more about whether the gun was fired or not.

    3) Walker's car fled a traffic stop in a nearby town the night before, although police can't say exactly who was driving. The driver — who the police thought was white and wearing a black hoodie — left the jurisdiction and the cops broke off the pursuit. But it was the same car Walker was driving. There's no way the Akron PD could have known about the incident the night before, but it could indicate a mindset or a pattern by Walker.

    4) Walker's steps need to be retraced. The pursuit started on the opposite side of town from where he lived. Was he making a delivery at 12:30 a.m.? Was he visiting someone? What was he doing in the minutes before all of this started? Those are also important questions, and should be easy enough to answer.

    There is a lot more that will come out about this. Also a lot of hard questions that need to be answered about everyone involved. From the evidence so far, it seems like a terrible set of converging circumstances. That can obviously change as new facts come to light.

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