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The TV thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Versatile, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    Woman Across The Street From The Girl In The Window. Way better than the title lets on. They play the what is real and what is a hallucination well. The episodes are short and easy to binge. Kristen Bell is very nice (in multiple ways). The way they wrap it all up was I don’t want to say satisfying but pleasantly unique.
  2. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    John C. Reilly was truly excellent, but it was a stacked field and I’m not sure the show ever really broke through.
  3. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    I love Ted Lasso but there were way to many supporting and guest acting nominations from that show. Same for Hacks and the guest nominations.
    jr/shotglass likes this.
  4. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    Oof - My wife and I thought this was more of a C-, C-level show. The tone is really all over the place - feels like it would have worked if they went a bit more spoof-ier. As is, it's like, half-legitimate Lifetime movie, half-farce like "Naked Gun." It kind of reminds me of that Ferrell and Wiig TV movie that they played straight just a bit too much.
  5. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Almost done with The Bear. That seventh episode, the 20-minute commercial free one where Carmine breaks down, is fucking incredible television. Especially as it winds up to match the frenzied ending of Wilco's Kidsmoke. I might watch it again, it was so damn good.
  6. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    Completely fair. I turned it on thinking it was going to be a spoof and it took a bit for me to accept it wasn’t.

    I think what I connected with the most was the personality of the addicted mind. I’ve seen it in action and it connected. Some of the tone issues you had I more forgave simply because Kristen Bell was immaturely behaving because of the wine and pills.

    Back to fairness to your point, I did have a couple of points where I said that’s ridiculous and not necessary. But I still liked it.
    sgreenwell likes this.
  7. ChrisLong

    ChrisLong Well-Known Member

    Started "The Lincoln Lawyer." Like it so far. Haller's assistant is actress Becky Newton. I remember her from being one of Barney's girls near the end of "How I Met Your Mother." She was my favorite.
    And .... she looks almost identical to the daughter of one of my best friends. My friend and her husband produced beautiful children.

    garrow and Spartan Squad like this.
  8. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    Quinn was amazing and the actress was great in Lincoln Lawyer
    ChrisLong likes this.
  9. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    Tramell Tillman not being nominated for an Emmy is one of the worst snubs in my lifetime.

    Severance would be a shitty Vegas lounge act without him. Tramell is the No. 1 reason the show is fire.
  10. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Finished "Julia" on HBO +. I thought it was excellent. The story is a bit familiar, especially if you watched "Julie and Julia", but eight episodes give the script time to breathe. It's also just a more adult show. Script, cast, and locations were great. Thumbs up.
  11. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

    She's gorgeous. Not sure why she's not a bigger name. She's married to Chris Diamantopolous who is hilarious in everything I've seen him in (Silicon Valley, the forgotten Christina Applegate show Up All Night).
  12. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    S01E07 was one of those rare single episodes that people will be referencing for a long time -- like the dinner-party episode from "The Office." You could honestly turn that one on without having seen the show before and be completely entranced by it.

    And I loved the way Season 1 closed, too. I cannot wait to see where they take it from there.

    I'm at a loss as to why it hasn't already been picked up for Season 2.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
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