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Roe v. Wade to be overturned?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by outofplace, May 3, 2022.

  1. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

    It lasted as long as "Trump is responsible for January 6th"

    lakefront likes this.
  2. lakefront

    lakefront Well-Known Member

    I am really mad, upset, etc. about all of the crap the christian conservative people are doing.

    But I am starting to get screaming and yelling mad about all of these medical cases popping up. Of course I am mad at those that are initially responsible, the far right. I am even more mad at these 'doctors' who are letting women get to the worst physical condition before they do their fucking job. I don't give a fuck if they are worried about going to prison. How are they going to feel when we have our first unnecessary death!!??
    Some poor woman is going to have an etopic pregnancy...from which I understand, there is no remedy for that potential life to survive...and because they have the courage of a cop, they will wait till the last minute to treat so they can not be accused of performing the dreaded A.
    Screw these doctors, most of all, they are the ones on the front line, in the immediate vicinity of someone who needs their help.
    Some woman will die from a pregnancy that she wanted but unfortunately was not meant to be, but because of the fucking christian lunatics that want to rule the fucking world, she will die. And imagine if this is not her first baby, now you have maybe a couple kids , lets say under 5, who have now lost the mother. for no reason other that the fucking christians and there determination to make us all live under their fairy tale.
    it will happen and I hope the doctor is sued and never practices again.

    As far as the actual medical part and performing abortions, surely mri's, xrys and all sorts of medical technology would prove these medical cases to be just what they are, actual medical situations that end with the loss of the fetus/embryo and that these doctors are not performing an abortion.
    I hope and assume that there are plenty of doctors doing their job and we are only hearing about the few who are not. I just cant stop thinking about some little 3 year old that will lose their mommy over this.

    And I now can imagine how Black Americans have been dealing with the issues of higher maternal death rates. Shame on us if we can't limit theses situations to the tiniest few possible.
  3. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

    Stick to sports?

  4. justgladtobehere

    justgladtobehere Well-Known Member

    All this Christian bashing makes me ask a question. Do people realize that there is a non-religious argument against abortion? A fertilized egg is a unique human being, something that will never be replicated. Human beings are the apex of evolution and to causally dismiss the ending of their lives is disgusting.
    Batman likes this.
  5. britwrit

    britwrit Well-Known Member

    There is, of course. But since it isn't the American Humanist Association leading the charge here, providing the foot soldiers and fund-raising, that point is a pretty irrelevant.

    When loud and noisy Christians start demanding major changes to a society, based on what their version of God tells them to do, you're going to get Christian bashing.
    tea and ease and lakefront like this.
  6. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

  7. Mngwa

    Mngwa Well-Known Member

    Is it? I've spent a lifetime of knowing women who are brutalized and raped, of growing up in poverty, and then watching others struggle with it for their entire lives. I have seen all the reports around the world of the human suffering, and the children with the big fat bellies because they're starving to death, and the human catastrophe that is a Yemen. Those people suffer. Ending a pregnancy, and I will stipulate before viability, is not the same thing. I think it's beyond hubris to bring a life into this world that you don't want. For some people it works out, but I can guarantee you that right now there are unwanted children suffering in the United States foster system, I can guarantee you that there were children who were unplanned and unwanted who are suffering in their homes. And that doesn't go away. If you want to end abortion after viability, except for the life of the mother or the health of the mother, I'd be okay with that. But I think before viability it's none of your business.

    Edit: quoted the wrong post. I was referring to the part about casually ending a human life is disgusting. I said at once and I'll say it again, regardless of what a woman may or may not say publicly, she did not casually have an abortion.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2022
  8. justgladtobehere

    justgladtobehere Well-Known Member

    I don't think you can object to how people reach their political beliefs simply because those beliefs are based on religion. People make a political choice based on any manner of moral theory.
  9. justgladtobehere

    justgladtobehere Well-Known Member

    I appreciate your point of view and I acknowledge people will dismiss my views.
    However, I find a flaw in your statement. Some children are brought into the world in awful situations and some parents aren't equipped to deal with them. Who decides which children should be allowed to live? Who knows which ones overcome their poor circumstances? A bad life is better than no life at all.
  10. Mngwa

    Mngwa Well-Known Member

    Is it?
    Neither you nor I can answer that question.

    I'm curious though, if you're religious And you think that clump of cells in a woman's uterus has a soul, where do you think the soul goes after an abortion? How do you know that God did not tell that woman she was not supposed to have that baby and that soul had to go back to heaven?
  11. justgladtobehere

    justgladtobehere Well-Known Member

    I'm clearly not religious. I do not believe a clump of cells has a soul. I do know that those clumps of cells are a unique human being, never to be replicated. In place of religion, I believe in science and evolution. The clumps of cells are something to be protected as part our vast advancement as a species.
  12. justgladtobehere

    justgladtobehere Well-Known Member

    Another problem with your argument about children having an poor upbringing. When do you decide that their poor upbringing is so untenable that they would be better off not having existed? You seem sure that an abortion would be better than the children living. Is the some point post birth that you would make the same choice?
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