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President Biden: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    The problem is the GOP taking the House, because they will; it will be a problem if they get the Senate.
    If the Turtle is back and charge, and Clarence Thomas keels over on Jan. 3 at 12:01, 2023, Biden isn't getting a SCOTUS nominee through because "two years is too close to an election."
    matt_garth and Baron Scicluna like this.
  2. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    Well, the deed is done. Even surprised myself with a Republican vote. (I did not realize the immaculately-named Young Boozer was eligible to run for state treasurer again. He’s done a solid job and I never hear his name on the news.)
    OscarMadison likes this.
  3. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

    I've already voted, but I am still undecided as to which dead dictator I will blame for rigging the election against my candidates. I might go with Josip Broz aka Tito.
    OscarMadison, HanSenSE and maumann like this.
  4. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    When they told me in Grammar school that anyone could be President I literally didn’t think it would mean that an empty vessel like Walker could be in the Senate.
  5. Kato

    Kato Well-Known Member

    Yep, the idea people can't understand that late-counted votes are no different than others is simply maddening. When I went to bed one guy was winning, and when I woke up someone else won? What gives? Well, friend, there were still votes being counted when you went to bed. How can one not comprehend that? Maybe we should use an analogy they understand: When you went to bed on Sunday, you were winning your fantasy football game by a few points. But, on Monday, your opponent had Lamar Jackson, and he scored enough points that you lost. Monday Night Football points count the same as regular points. As such, mail-in and absentee ballots or late-counting precincts count the same as the results that were tabulated at 8 p.m. on election night.
    Smallpotatoes and HanSenSE like this.
  6. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Ironically, where I work - tonight we are doing a company meal ahead of Thanksgiving. Pulled Pork BBQ and all the fixings.
  7. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    Yes, but the votes of virtuous rural whites are counted first, therefor those should count more lest our house theologian become dyspeptic.
  8. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Some of the most useless people in politics end up in the Senate. You would think it would be harder to get into - and this is DEFINITELY a "both sides" kind of comment. Money, some freak of nature, fazmily connections etc. You win a tight primary in a low-turnout solid blue or red state and you can settle in for 30 years.
    maumann likes this.
  9. Oggiedoggie

    Oggiedoggie Well-Known Member

    The sports/election comparison has a lot in common:

    Most of the early “reporting” was similar to preseason coverage, “How good is so-and-so going to be this season?”

    A week or two ago, it switched to more of a pregame deal with injury reports and trash talk.

    The election is the game, except the score isn’t announced until after it’s done.

    Then, we’ll go into the postgame with folks looking at the box scores, trying to figure out what happened. We’ll also get the postgame presser with comments from the coaches.

    Not too long after that, we’ll go back into pregame mode with favorites chosen for the next go around.
    Deskgrunt50 likes this.
  10. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    I voted 9 days ago. EV is pretty new here and I usually have enjoyed the energy of voting on Election Day. But, my votes weren’t changing and it was super easy, so EV was it.

    This is my first national election since I left sports for news. Newsroom is fully open, but not mandatory. I suspect many will be in tonight.

    For those working remote, gift cards for pizza (or whatever). Nice touch.
  11. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    The one thing that will piss me off if it’s a great night for republicans is Jan. 6. Party that tried to overthrow 2020, or at least looked the other way, getting power back in ONE cycle. That’s some fucking shortsighted bullshit. And will ensure it keeps happening.
  12. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I'm wondering which "Squirrel!" will be the first to happen tonight with the election - news of Trump announcing '24 bid, Pelosi retiring (while she's being elected to her umpteenth House term), or DOJ finalizing Trump indictment, or other.
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