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President Biden: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Ahh, Dixville Notch. The Chaminaide of election season.
  2. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    Yup. Never understood the people who think increased turnout always favors Democrats. It usually is a sign of people rejecting whichever party is in power.
  3. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    So glad I have that EU passport.
  4. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Looking forward to the campaign autopsies, circular firing squads etc. If the result is as bad as Dems fear, I think the lesson has to be either - it's hard selling new ideas in old packaging - the party leadership needs new blood in the House and Senate and as for messaging, its simply this - if people want to vote for the crazy; rational, reasonable arguments will not stop them.
    OscarMadison likes this.
  5. UNCGrad

    UNCGrad Well-Known Member

    I'm Chicken Littling like a motherfucker today. I'll try to stay out of everyone's way.

    (Edit: I also meant to add, I'm working on coming to peace with the fact that if the GOP has a big night, it's what the people want. If Dems can't win this fight, it's their voters' fault.)
    OscarMadison likes this.
  6. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    goin' great!

    HanSenSE likes this.
  7. swingline

    swingline Well-Known Member

    I voted about an hour ago. I don’t have a good feeling about my candidates winning, but I was happy to vote for some of them.

    And I was damn glad to vote on a constitutional amendment to allow recreational pot to be legal. It has to be a constitutional amendment because the lege here will just ignore or overturn laws they don’t like. Pot law passed overwhelmingly a few years ago, and the the lege passed another law that hamstrung or overturned the will of the people. Bunch of white dicks.
  8. swingline

    swingline Well-Known Member

    No Dominos or Papa John’s, or I’ll burn this place down.
    HanSenSE and I Should Coco like this.
  9. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    The first ever pot shop in Bennington Vermont opens on Main Street at 9 in the morning.
    HanSenSE likes this.
  10. Regan MacNeil

    Regan MacNeil Well-Known Member

    I don't care if this gets sent to @FreezingColdTakes: If the GOP were at all confident about tonight, Trump wouldn't be doing those posts and they wouldn't have been flooding the market with all these GOP SURGE! polls the past 10 days.

    Why whine about a process if you think you're going to win?
    garrow likes this.
  11. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    45 million early ballots sent in. Republicans don't send it ballots by and large.
  12. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Stock up on the essentials.

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