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Elon Musk takes over Twitter

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Alma, Apr 25, 2022.

  1. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Found the show:

    cjericho likes this.
  2. JimmyHoward33

    JimmyHoward33 Well-Known Member

    I think thats really a decision for journalists, editors and publishers. The NY Post thought it was obligated to do so and had its knees cut off by Twitter. Thats fucked up, and if they were acting under governmental influence thats doubly fucked up. I dont think Twitter has the right to over rule a newspaper. I know it *does* so far as the terms of service and all that, but it shouldnt act that way.

    Do I think it was a conspiracy? Not really. I’m dubious the powerful people saying it was 10000% disinformation didnt know it wasnt or exagerated their certainty and I’m very dubious as to what theyd do that for next (sans the righteous cause of dump trump)

    I also dont think it wouldve swung the election anyway. These people were grasping for a Comey letter do over bc they wish they’d supresssed that too
  3. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    The fixation with Hunter is not with Hunter, or even with simply embarrassing Joe. It's that if there is fire behind the smoke then Hunter's alleged misdeeds lead right to — and implicate — Joe in a long, long pattern of high-level corruption that would dwarf anything the left has ever even accused Trump of doing, which is saying a lot. Possibly billions and billions of taxpayer dollars over decades, laundered through dozens of countries around the world.
    The laptop, by most accounts, contains evidence of some of that. Or it at least contains enough evidence that it should lead to other evidence that builds the case.

    That's the financial corruption angle. Then you get into the way that this story has been handled for two years, and it's an even worse potential abuse of power because it involves numerous abuses of the Constitution.
    You had the initial suppression of the New York Post story, possibly at the behest of the Democratic Party. Then most outlets ignoring or dismissing it, again, because it helped the Democratic Party. Then, finally, an outlet like CBS News reporting on it a couple of weeks ago as if it was some revelation and quickly moving on from it. It reeks of conspiracy theories and cover ups, but stuff like these Musk releases seem to give some credence to those.
    On top of all of that, not only was the story downplayed or suppressed, there were active attacks to discredit the journalists reporting it. Where do they go to get their reputations back? Or their careers?
    But, hey, at least we were saved from the tyranny of a president and a major political party abusing their powers.
  4. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    Do we really know it wasn’t disinformation, though?

    Since the chain of custody on the laptop is shot, there’s no way it could ever stand up as evidence in court.

    While I’m certain Biden won a free and fair election, I really don’t care if it was stolen. Getting that corrupt, incompetent asshole out of office was that important. Could any sane person dispute that he had no business being president?
    Fred siegle and cyclingwriter2 like this.
  5. cjericho

    cjericho Well-Known Member

    He's not president anymore. Are you OK? Is your photog still being mean to you?
  6. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    “The laptop, by most accounts …” whose accounts!?! Quit getting your Hunter Biden info from whackjobs who spent the 1990s believing Clinton Body Count BS.
  7. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    As has often been pointed out, Trump really only lost by about 50,000 votes spread across a few swing states. It might not have taken much to swing those to his column, or at least keep those voters from voting for Biden.
    Still, I don't know that there was enough time, two weeks before the election, for the scope of the story to fully unravel. Here we are two years later, with several books having been written about the laptop, and I still don't think we comprehend how deep this thing might go. And with the way early and mail-in voting was handled in 2020, even people who might have been swung by it could have already had their votes locked in.
    At this point, the troubling part is the way the Democratic Party felt emboldened to manipulate and even suppress the free flow of information, to the point of effectively shutting down news outlets and trying to discredit journalists who were reporting stories that might have negatively affected them. They did this under the demented logic that the ends justified the means, but it seems as if it might have been just another tool in the toolbox. That a board full of journalists and former journalists is saying that's acceptable on any level is alarming.
    cjericho likes this.
  8. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Shaking the foundations of democracy!!!

  9. cjericho

    cjericho Well-Known Member

    Isn't nonconsensual nudity a crime?
  10. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    Yes, I’m fine.
    cjericho likes this.
  11. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    Oh c’mon. If anything the “censorship” of the NY Post story by Twitter brought MORE attention to it. Victimhood is the top currency of today’s Republican Party.

    Anyone who wanted to read it certainly heard about it. The story wasn’t kept from the world. Not even a paywall on that wretched website.

    It’s been out there. If there was something to it, it would be known. It’s just partisan hackery.

    The GOP House will certainly jump up and down on it for the next two years. The whole point is for it to be the next BENGHAZI!!!! Which was dragged out not for honorable reasons. But to hurt Hillary Clinton. Which it did.


    Musk and Taibbi overhyped a process piece about the messy business of social media content moderation.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2022
  12. BitterYoungMatador2

    BitterYoungMatador2 Well-Known Member

    Why do the people so obsessed with Hunter Brandon never seem to give a corn-filled shit about the favor curried Ivanka and Jared that took place WHILE THEY WERE ON THE GOVERNMENT PAYROLL?
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