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President Biden: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    I believe Stormy's account called into question as to whether Fatfuck did, or could, complete the procedure. That's certainly worthy of mention for the mucho macho alpha male sex machine.

    It would certainly be fun to listen to his denials/alibis/explanations.
  2. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    Has he filed any paperwork? Put his name in for the Iowa caucuses? I honestly don't know, I'm trying to ignore the shit show. Until he does, places like the Post need to be a little more selective about giving this guy bytes/ink.
    tea and ease likes this.
  3. Regan MacNeil

    Regan MacNeil Well-Known Member

    Leave it to Starman to know the details of the Stormy/Trump sexual encounter. Probably has a fucking portrait wall of the guy in a darkened room somewhere.
    sgreenwell likes this.
  4. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Shotglass brought Krassenstein in, in the post directly above mine quoting him. You might not like my posting the response to it, because it was crass and illogical, but it is a fair representation of the responses that are out there. It was posted in reproach of those ideas.

    I absolutely do post a lot of tweets. Generally I do this because it's a lot easier to simply quote them (and often the article that they're quoting and responding to) instead of my paraphrasing them. That feels like passing the idea off as my own, rather than something I agreed with/disagreed with/found interesting and thought others might. If "posting every slapdick who posts on Twitter" offends you, you know where the button is.
  5. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    Why Poverty Persists in America

    The best way to address labor exploitation is to empower workers. A renewed contract with American workers should make organizing easy. As things currently stand, unionizing a workplace is incredibly difficult. Under current labor law, workers who want to organize must do so one Amazon warehouse or one Starbucks location at a time. We have little chance of empowering the nation’s warehouse workers and baristas this way. This is why many new labor movements are trying to organize entire sectors. The Fight for $15 campaign, led by the Service Employees International Union, doesn’t focus on a single franchise (a specific McDonald’s store) or even a single company (McDonald’s) but brings together workers from several fast-food chains. It’s a new kind of labor power, and one that could be expanded: If enough workers in a specific economic sector — retail, hotel services, nursing — voted for the measure, the secretary of labor could establish a bargaining panel made up of representatives elected by the workers. The panel could negotiate with companies to secure the best terms for workers across the industry. This is a way to organize all Amazon warehouses and all Starbucks locations in a single go.

    Sectoral bargaining, as it’s called, would affect tens of millions of Americans who have never benefited from a union of their own, just as it has improved the lives of workers in Europe and Latin America. The idea has been criticized by members of the business community, like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has raised concerns about the inflexibility and even the constitutionality of sectoral bargaining, as well as by labor advocates, who fear that industrywide policies could nullify gains that existing unions have made or could be achieved only if workers make other sacrifices. Proponents of the idea counter that sectoral bargaining could even the playing field, not only between workers and bosses, but also between companies in the same sector that would no longer be locked into a race to the bottom, with an incentive to shortchange their work force to gain a competitive edge. Instead, the companies would be forced to compete over the quality of the goods and services they offer. Maybe we would finally reap the benefits of all that economic productivity we were promised.
  6. Pilot

    Pilot Well-Known Member

    He had a big official "I am running in 2024" event a few days after the November 2022 election. Without actually checking to see what paperwork he's filed, he's running as officially as anyone else at this point, I think.
  7. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    I’m running for president, too. I decided just now.

    Does Trump even have campaign staff? Seriously. At least Haley is pretending to run, at least Pence is trying to act semi-serious about running. This fat fuck is sitting at his resort on his fake Twitter platform and leaving once or twice a week to talk to an oversized Lions Club.

    Why the Times has not moved Haberman off politics for her aiding and abetting this schmuck amazes me.
    Fred siegle likes this.
  8. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

  9. goalmouth

    goalmouth Well-Known Member

    Really? Hearst. Duranty. Judith Fukcing Miller.

    The media is not in the business of saving us.
  10. bumpy mcgee

    bumpy mcgee Well-Known Member

    PAID to fuck her.
    HanSenSE and Neutral Corner like this.
  11. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Question asked on Jan. 20, 2021:

    Should have asked, "Will more posts on this thread be about the current administration or Trump?"
    Fred siegle, HanSenSE and Matt1735 like this.
  12. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

    Jefferson Davis.
    2muchcoffeeman and dixiehack like this.
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