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The TV thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Versatile, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    My wife and I finished Daisy Jones and the Six tonight. The series got better as it went along. It wasn't anything spectacular, but some of the music was good and I thought the ending was satisfying.
  2. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    All the other stuff is familiar to me, but when/where was the follow-up on Odo/the Changelings? Do you know/remember? I've read pretty much all the books and don't recall anything like that at all. But maybe I've just forgotten, or I obviously missed something; I don't know.

    And yes, I believe they are just ignoring anything in the books now. I read somewhere that they've virtually blown up all that stuff in favor of whatever's being shown/done on the current crop of shows.

    Kind of too bad, I think, because there were a lot of directions everything could've gone in, and, in my opinion, the books and their stories were almost all better than what's being shown now. I've liked Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and even Star Trek: Prodigy, though.

    I was surprised that Jack was (I assume, though I guess maybe we'll see for sure next week) assimilated/completely taken over without any fight at all, really, in the latest episode of Star Trek: Picard.
  3. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    Like a lot of streaming shows, it felt like it needed a stronger editor. The first two episodes kind of drag out, and they could have tightened up other aspects. But the show really starts to cook with episode three and beyond. Tom Wright is great, and Oliphant gets to do some fun cosplay for the two or three episodes he's in. Camila Morrone is a striking presence and gets to play a non-traditional rock star wife - definitely want to see her in some more things.
    Neutral Corner likes this.
  4. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Wife was listening to the music on Spotify and I did same them thought “why don’t I just listen to the real Fleetwood Mac”?
    Neutral Corner and Wenders like this.
  5. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I believe he was in the Typhon Pact series of novels and The Fall. There were some DS9 novels in 2014 and 2015 that included him as well. I think he was in The Missing. I know he was in Sacraments of Fire and Ascendance.
  6. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Agreed on all points, especially the editing. My wife nearly bailed after the first two episodes. They let the setup drag on way too long.
  7. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    Anyone watching Mrs. Maisel? The first 5-6 minutes of the new season are hilarious. Especially the whole frozen toe/frost crotch exchange.

    “JESUS! What does your crotch look like?!?”
    Spartan Squad and jr/shotglass like this.
  8. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    I died during that part. Then it got deep real fast. Can’t wait to have time to watch it all
    Killick likes this.
  9. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    I may have to read The Fall books and The Missing again, and I'll see. That'd be OK, though, as all those books were very good, if I recall. I've read the last two you mentioned, as well, but nothing regarding Odo or the Changelings' species stands out in my mind at this point. The synopsis on The Missing, especially, sounds interesting.
  10. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    It has been a while since I read any of those, so I looked them up to help me remember which story was where. That's why I'm so sure Odo was in those last two.

    I had a big problem with The Fall. I didn't like what they did to Nan Bacco, not just because I was a big fan of the character, but because the entire plot was convoluted and stupid. Parts of it just didn't make sense.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2023
  11. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I had this thought the other day after watching the final episode of Daisy Jones and the Six, but I'm not sure if I should post it as a spoiler or not. I will just in case. People can always click it.

    I don't know if the book ends the same way as the movie, but I wonder if the author watched How I Met Your Mother. The stories couldn't be more different, but the endings are very similar. Billy Dunne, like Ted Moseby, is married to a woman who he calls the love of his life. They are parents together. We find out he is telling his story to his daughter, just as Ted was telling his children his story. Much of that story deals with his feelings for a woman other than his wife, a woman with whom he cheated on a significant other. Sure, it was just kissing with Billy and Daisy while Ted had sex with Robin when he was technically still with Victoria, but it's close enough. We find out in the final episode that the wife has died. In a way, his child/children nudge Ted/Billy to reconnect with this other woman he loved. At the end of the finale, he shows up at her door, clearly with the idea of rekindling the love they had between them. They smile at one another and it ends without us seeing what happens next.

  12. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    I'm three episodes into Beef, and I like the way it's building. I've never been an Ali Wong fan, but this role is perfect for her.
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