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Meanwhile on the International front....

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by DanOregon, Apr 28, 2023.

  1. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Most peculiar, mama.
  2. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Stefanik is an idiot and she based a good bit of her questioning on false premises, but she was right to hammer then with that one question and they all failed to answer it properly.
  3. Twirling Time

    Twirling Time Well-Known Member

  4. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Doing some math here ... If the force is 30,000 and they've killed 5,000 and you figure a couple more thousand are probably wounded to the point they are out of action ... Carry the one .... About a quarter of Hamas' army has been incapacitated in two months.
    That seems pretty efficient, not a sign that Israel is bogged down.
  5. justgladtobehere

    justgladtobehere Well-Known Member

    I cannot read the article for more context than what was posted.
    I can't figure the numbers. How does the IDF have such exact figures and why would it put them out there when it seems like a failure? To justify the move into the South?
  6. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Hamas is never going to let most of them go. One theory I heard now is that they have been beating and sexually abusing the women they took as hostages and they don't want those stories getting out. Given what they did to many of their victims Oct. 7, that isn't hard to believe.
  7. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

  8. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    That is very sad, but not at all surprising and it changes nothing in the discussion. Of course, the goal should be to bring them all home. Of course, the families want that to be the first and only priority. Of course, they are being treated poorly by Hamas and used as human shields. In your link, what exactly is new? Israelis blaming Netanyahu and questioning his motives? That has been happening there and in the U.S. since Oct. 7. Netanyahu is a piece of shit. That doesn't mean he isn't right in saying Hamas would never release all the hostages in one deal.
  9. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

  10. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

  11. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

  12. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    It's an opinion piece.

    It's also not incumbent on anyone - here or elsewhere - to suggest remedies as a condition for commenting on what's happening.


    Mr._Graybeard likes this.
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