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The Economy

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by TigerVols, May 14, 2020.

  1. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    As long as she doesn’t take my nontraditional route, my daughter will graduate from college when I’m 62. Her brother will be 25.

    That’s when I kick them out on their asses and their mom and I retire to the lake, if we’re not there already.
    Driftwood likes this.
  2. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Who wants to waste time doing that?
    Driftwood likes this.
  3. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

    Hey I just got a 3% raise from Uncle Sam. Love the third Wednesday of every month. I'll be reminded again how much I love being mostly retired at 3:30 today when I meet up with some friends at my local bar for our Tuesday happy hour.

    And I won $4 in Powerball yesterday, so my bar bill is 67% covered.

    Somebody in Michigan won the jackpot, which was more than $800 million. A pretty good way to start the new year, especially if that person was a Wolverines fan.
    maumann likes this.
  4. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

    Then you can go down to the local bar, order a couple Gennys and bitch about NYS taxes, just like the locals! :)
  5. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Mel Tucker will blow it all before the end of the month.
    wicked likes this.
  6. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    Mel Tucker and blowing loads are synonymous.
  7. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

  8. LanceyHoward

    LanceyHoward Well-Known Member

    There are basically two ways to cut the debt. The Federal Government basically runs medical insurance programs, retirement programs, income supplemental programs like Food Stamps and a defense department. Let's say Biden expends the political capital to "reform" some of these benefits and cut expenditures. The other is to raise taxes.

    What will happen. People dependent on these benefits, primarily the elderly and the poor, will see reduced benefits. Then when the Republicans come into power they will announce tax cuts for the rich justifying them as pro-growth, when there is ample evidence that such cuts do not pay for themselves.

    I offer as evidence the Clinton Presidency. He agreed to spending cuts along with tax increases and got massacred in 1994 for doing so. But the budget was balanced and the economy did really well. Bush came in. Tax cuts were enacted, the balanced budget was no longer a priority and the economy flat-lined.

    So why should Biden and the Dems work hard to reduce benefits when all it does is make it easier for the Republicans to reduce tax rates.
    Hermes likes this.
  9. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

  10. Hermes

    Hermes Well-Known Member

    It would require serious people on the deficit hawk side, attacking the problem from both sides, like a Bob Taft of yore. They’re all dead.
  11. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    Americans (of both/all "sides") want themselves a LOT of government (i.e., checks) and they want someone else to pay for it, and the people they elect reflect that reality.
    SFIND likes this.
  12. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    SFIND likes this.
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