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President Biden: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    There are ops concerns to consider here, especially since it seems the Pentagon is infiltrated by anti-American folks like the Flynns.
  2. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    This hits me and makes me sad for your dad.

    I relate to it to some extent, because, as I think I've mentioned on here at least once, I have a nephew who is an albino. Albinism and vision problems go together. They just do, and my nephew, who just turned 25, is legally blind, too. He doesn't drive, and that is his greatest issue -- because he has seemed to conquer all other challenges. He is so bright, articulate and otherwise normal, at least, if not actually even extraordinary.

    He went all through school with straight A's, and graduated from college with honors and a degree in television/film writing, and we are no longer surprised when he excels in anything. When he was little, I, uncharitably, sometimes thought a lot of his success in school must have been the result of sympathy grades, because, otherwise, how was he doing it?

    But I changed my mind after a couple years when the straight A's just kept happening, all through elementary, middle and high school). He also is pretty artistic, a talent we guess he inherited from his maternal grandfather, and he is fluent in American Sign Language. Yeah, he's an interesting person, and, I think, pretty amazing.

    We still have never quite figured out how he has done it, because we have never really known what, or how, or how much, he actually sees. Whenever his parents tried to figure that out by trying to get him to read street signs, or asking if he could see this, or that, he always quickly shut that game down and refused to play along. My brother would try to explain that they weren't trying to put him on the spot; they just wanted to know, "What do you actually see?" But he would have none of it.

    Anyway, despite all he can do, and all we now think he can do, we in the family still always worry a little bit about him, because we know life isn't easy, and that it might get really real as time goes on. He had no trouble getting interviews when he was job-hunting, but once he got to them, he always had to, and will always have to, get past people's perceptions of his differences -- which are definitely unusual and even a little bit of a shock, at first glance. He has nice, thick hair, but it's definitely white -- not blonde, not toe-headed -- it's white. And his eyes are ever-changing, color-wise, depending on the light, which goes right through them and also causes him untold problems with glare, which he combats with dark glasses, or by squinting, or tilting his head or moving eyes from side to side, etc. He also is the first (and oftentimes only) albino that many in his circle have ever met, and while he is pretty good-looking in his unique way -- my sister actually thinks he should be a model -- it takes getting used to him to not look and stare, and of course, question...

    My sister, the same one who suggests he should be a model, has, in fact, also lamented about how he, unfortunately, has to deal with the fact that he sticks out, and "looks different from literally everyone else." We have gotten used to it, for lack of a better description, but the need for most people to do that, first, before moving past the unusual looks to whatever else he might offer, hurts him a lot in an interview/work setting.

    We've also seen over the years how he has had to deal with people staring at him as he reads/writes with his face practically on the pages/screens. He got good at ignoring it, and he even isn't afraid to put himself out there -- we were surprised to find some YouTube and TikTok videos he made of himself discussing various topics of interest (including albinism), either by himself, or with a friend.

    After graduating college, the job-hunting efforts were difficult and took over a year, during which he tutored kids in math, reading and languages periodically just to make a little money. But he did finally get a job, not in his field of study, but in a school district close to home, a factor we all realize was probably key to him taking any job. He needs to be able to get to it easily, and not necessarily always by car, either. Again, the not being able to drive, and the resulting transportation issues, are likely to always be his greatest challenge, even as big as many other, more personal, ones have been, too.

    As you can probably tell, though, we are all really proud of him, and we are hopeful that he will be able to live a pretty normal, mostly independent life, particularly as he gains experience and confidence, despite whatever challenges he faces because of any vision or transportation problems.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2024
  3. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    I'd be interested to know what your boss says/thinks after you discuss this with him.
    MileHigh likes this.
  4. Deskgrunt50

    Deskgrunt50 Well-Known Member

    Noted Professor Robert J. Ritchie joined trump to discuss the history of beer cans and the likelihood that, in the future, we’d have to potentially gun down the cans of wokeness infesting certain brands. Ritchie was just a Kid then, and didn’t know how his insight would Rock the world of piss-water libations. The country hadn’t seen a similar crisis since the Bowling Green Massacre, and before that the disabling of our airports during the Revolutionary War.
  5. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

  6. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

    I can understand wanting to keep his diagnosis a bit more private, but ... man. This is mind-blowing.
    Machine Head and MileHigh like this.
  7. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    House GOP loons are now wanting to impeach Austin.
    They serious just want to impeach somebody, and they don't care who it is.
    Machine Head and Webster like this.
  8. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Smallpotatoes likes this.
  9. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

    "Presidents can assassinate their political rivals with impunity....but I am a victim of Biden DOJ!"
    --noted legal scholar Donald Wendell Holmes
  10. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    They want to bulldoze Austin into resigning so the Senate (ie Tuberville) can then roadblock the confirmation hearings for any potential successor nominated by Biden.

    Then of course if any real military situation does develop they can all piss their pants about the vacancy in the cabinet and kvetch how the weak whimpering wussy Biden allowed it to happen.

    FWIW, if I were Biden, I wouldn't be none too pleased with Austin myself, and I probably would have discreetly suggested he retire for medical reasons, but In these circumstances you can't let the poo-flingers think they've collected another scalp.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2024
    Driftwood and wicked like this.
  11. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    "A hundred and twelve thousand decisions made last year, a higher number than in any year in the past two decades, Mr. Speakah."

    Such great theater.

  12. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Biden can order Fatfuck killed and face no legal consequences. Fatfuck says so himself.
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