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The Economy

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by TigerVols, May 14, 2020.

  1. justgladtobehere

    justgladtobehere Well-Known Member

    Special purpose acquisition companies are companies that raise money in an IPO without any business, but with the expectation it will purchase a private company making it a publicly traded company. The SPAC doesn't have to go through an extensive SEC review because it is just a pool of money. The private company doesn't go through any review because it is being purchased. Not doing an IPO saves it money.

    SPACs have done horribly in the last few years. Avoiding pre-IPO scrutiny to save money isn't a good sign.
  2. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    A SPAC is what it sounds like when you hear "blank check company." You are investing in a company that literally has nothing -- no commercial operations, no business, nothing. The whole purpose of the SPAC is to raise money and go out and acquire or merge with an existing business.

    SPACS have existed for decades, but the popularity really took off about 4, 5 years ago when the Fed expanded its balance sheet by several trillion dollars in the early days of the pandemic. The central bank was out there buying debt securities with money they create out of thin air in the name of "stimulating" the economy, but the real effect it had was to pump a corresponding amount of liquidity into equity markets, which were already behaving like casinos. It was that much more money looking for things to gamble on. SPACs became an outlet for it, and people were speculating on these blank check companies at insane valuations based on nonsense, the name of the person behind it, hype about the companies they were going to buy or merge with (most of which were drowning in debt and didn't have real businesses).

    You had venture capitalists like Chamath Palihapitiya basically starting SPAC after SPAC with this pitch to investors: "Give me your money and I'll find something that is going to make you rich. I can't tell you anything more. I don't have the business yet. But just trust me." And the money flowed into those blank check companies via IPOs to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars in 2020, 2021, 2022.

    Most of that money has been pissed away already.

    Digital World Acquisition Corp., the SPAC you're talking about, was a scheme to capitalize on what was happening, except unlike some SPACs where investors literally were just trusting that someone behind it was super smart and would comb the world for the best merger or buyout opportunities available, DWAC never made any secret of the fact that the company was being formed in order to merge with Truth Social Media, and it was doing it this way to take Truth Social Media public in a way that would circumvent some of the IPO filing disclosures (although they haven't been able to hide the fact that Truth Social Media has virtually no revenue, and loses money). There is evidence that Trump and the guy behind DWAC, a guy named Patrick Orlando, talked about a SPAC and an IPO well before DWAC listed, which would technically be a violation of securities law if someone could prove it, and they would have liked to have gone public 2 years ago, to be honest, but the SEC held them up -- DWAC was charged with making material misrepresentations in filings, at one point.

    The timing, as it turns out, is perfect, because financial conditions have loosened dramatically over the last 6 months as the Fed started to back off its inflation-fighting bullshit. Markets are awash with liquidity, as a result, and the casino is roaring again -- it's why you see the stock market, bitcoin, speculative nonsense running up in price again. That has included the insane trading in DWAC stock -- the company is merging with Truth Social Media, which has maybe $3 million in revenue and loses money. ... and will have something like a $5 billion valuation on it due to the speculative mania. It's pretty much a variation of what was happening with Game Stop and AMC stock a few years ago.
    Justin_Rice likes this.
  3. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Thanks RAGU, Justin, and JGTBH- so it is like one of those creatures that dies as soon as it mates? Only one merger per SWAC?
  4. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

  5. I Should Coco

    I Should Coco Well-Known Member

    We have a similar situation in Central and Eastern Washington, where apples, cherries, hops and many other crops would not be harvested without the hard work of immigrant laborers.

    I would like to think we are somewhat welcoming and fair to the workers who arrive here, but I know we could do better.

    I also know for a fact that these hard-working people are not “poisoning” our nation but instead they are strengthening it.
  6. Sam Mills 51

    Sam Mills 51 Well-Known Member

    Oh, many on this board know it. In my corner of the world, it's finding the sorts who will maintain what tobacco fields are left and setting up mobile homes.

    The workers who come here don't consider themselves above this. Many already long established here do.

    Those new workers are assets, no matter what their critics claim. Those claiming they're "poisoning" our country are poisoning our country with their rhetoric and have been for generations. And, sadly, they now can say so more publicly. You get one guess as to who has given them license to do so (and don't do it on this thread ... no point in getting us all tossed off the board - or the board shut down).
    Driftwood, I Should Coco and Liut like this.
  7. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    How much of it is feeling you're "above" this kind of work vs. refusing to work for an exploitative wage?

    Are they paying the immigrant workers the $16.28 state minimum wage?
  8. I Should Coco

    I Should Coco Well-Known Member

    The nationally-set wage for H2-A workers (overseas employees working here legally) is $16.98 per hour in 2024, but a lot of the farm workers around here make better than that because they are paid a "piece rate" wage (per box), which can be $25 or $30 for a 20-pound box of apples.

    Experienced workers prefer the piece-rate H2-A agreement because they can make much more money. Inexperienced workers often are paid the hourly rate.
    BTExpress likes this.
  9. garrow

    garrow Well-Known Member

  10. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Monthly Nonfarm payrolls dropped a half hour ago. ... it beat expectations by a lot, unemployment rate dropped to 3.8 percent after the bump up last month.

    I sit here watching markets digesting it and trying to figure out what it means for the Fed, which is absurdity at its worst, but just reality.

    I'm also waiting for the "bad news for Biden" simp post on here.

    Diving into the actual report (which nobody reads, they just read the headline numbers from Janet Yellen): The number of part-time jobs (being counted as jobs) is still exploding. This month, we actually lost 6,000 full-time jobs, gained 601K part-time jobs and the number of people who have multiple jobs increased by 217K. Does that really sound like prosperity to you?

    When you read the headlines and then read pundits scratching their heads about why Biden's approval ratings and poll numbers are so poor, understand that. It's a good economy for a politician pointing at "the numbers," not for people on the lower end of the economic spectrum who are living in it, as their costs have skyrocketed and they find themselves working multiple McJobs to try to get by.

    Full-time employment is lower today than it was 15 months ago. So when you hear some politician telling you about all of the jobs THEY have created (like they do anything productive that creates anything, or they run a factory or a store or something). ... understand that all of the jobs they are talking about over the last 15 months have been part-time jobs.
  11. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    One other nugget (I posted something similar last month). If you're thinking about doing your "bad news for Biden" post. ... underlying those numbers (the low-wage, PT jobs that = our economy) is that over the last year, 651K native-born Americans have lost jobs, while 1.3 million foreign-born workers have gained jobs. It's precisely why we have attracted so many migrants. Those shitty jobs are opportunity for them compared to where they came from.

    They actually are benefiting the country, even though so many people are too ignorant to realize it. The same people who harbor resentment about those foreign-born workers. ... hold up their noses at those kinds of jobs and will take a government handout before they will work for the wages those jobs pay.

    But economically so many peoples' lives suck right now, and those foreign-born workers make a great scapegoat for everything and anything.

    If you are thinking "bad news for Biden," maybe also think about his opponent who capitalizes on their resentment by pinning all of the world's woes on migrants, and consider which candidate's angry, hateful rhetoric those millions of people are buying into.
    I Should Coco likes this.
  12. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    I can't remember the last time I saw a non-Hispanic doing roofing work around here.
    2muchcoffeeman and Driftwood like this.
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