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2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Cosmo, Apr 19, 2024.

  1. Sam Mills 51

    Sam Mills 51 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Don has resurrected himself. A recap ...

    Waddell worked for what would be an understatement to call a dysfunctional owner group in Atlanta. In hindsight, he got left holding the bag more than once with the Thrashers, helping to explain why he had free agents after the trade deadline with a non-contender, watching them fly away for nothing during the subsequent offseason.

    Waddell was hired in Raleigh ... to work the arena side of things. Had nothing to do with roster or personnel, probably because of what had occurred in Atlanta. Chance to give a "hockey guy" (hello, JC) some chance - any chance - to get back in the game.

    Then Tom Dundon thoroughly screws up the situation with Ron Francis. Supposedly, some of it was that Francis was too conservative with roster moves or willingness to make bold moves and/or bold signings, so Dundon tries to kick him upstairs quietly. Then eventually fires him when they can't keep that under wraps from the media.

    Dundon thinks that contracts are just stupid, unnecessary documents that cost owners money. He already has Waddell working within the organization. So he gets a shot. (Keep in mind that while Rod Brind'Amour had earned a chance to be a head coach after years an an assistant, the biggest reason he was given a shot was because Bill Peters had left and RBA was under contract. So Dundon had the cheapest head coach during Brind'Amour's first few seasons).

    Waddell does fine. Makes more good moves than bad - no GM gets everything correct, but he doesn't botch enough moves to end up on the radar for bad reasons. He's still also working the arena details.

    Contract is up. Dundon is still probably fuming because he had to keep Brind'Amour, which wasn't cheap. And Brind'Amour - probably out of loyalty and understanding that the recent organizational is about much more than just him, but also because he knows how Dundon operates - ensures that assistants and staff are also taken care of in the process. That costs Dundon money, which enrages cheap owner ... still proud of having leanest staff in the league and ready to brag about it upon prompting.

    Waddell gets a shot at a more traditional GM spot with the Blue Jackets - where he can be a GM again and not have to worry about all the non-roster details with the Hurricanes.

    Dundon will find another GM ... the guess here is that it will be Eric Tulsky because anyone else from the outside will be lowballed by Dundon ... again, he thinks contracts for GMs are a crock, and doesn't think they're important to organizational success (hearing they don't think about paying goalies, either ... how's that working out, Tom? Sign all the forwards you want. Bolster the blue line, even. But until you sign a Cup-level goalie, getting out-goaltended in the playoffs annually is going to continue to be an issue). But now Dundon also has to find someone else to work arena details and other things Waddell had been working since the day he had been hired in Raleigh.
    Liut likes this.
  2. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Eric Tulsky is the brains behind that team and their moves. NO room for error when your owner is that cheap.
  3. MTM

    MTM Well-Known Member

    If not McDavid this season, it won't be long for Connor since half the league seems to be named that now.

  4. ChrisLong

    ChrisLong Well-Known Member

    One year -- Vancouver I think -- the USA Olympic team had 8 guys named Ryan, 7 their first name, 1 his last name.
  5. Sea Bass

    Sea Bass Well-Known Member

    Let me see how many this Canadian can get.

    Bobby Ryan
    Ryan Kesler
    Ryan Whitney
    Ryan Suter
    Ryan McDonagh
    Ryan Miller
    Ryan Callahan
    Ryan Malone (not sure of that one)

    How’d I do?
  6. ChrisLong

    ChrisLong Well-Known Member

    The correct answer appears to be 7.

    McDonagh made it in 2014, not 2010. You got all the others. You Da Man.
  7. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    No, I’m da man!
  8. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    Edmonton is not playing badly but still trails 2-0 in the second on five shots.
  9. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    maumann likes this.
  10. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    Bobrovsky standing on his head.
  11. melock

    melock Well-Known Member

    Almost literally on a couple of those saves.
    Spartan Squad likes this.
  12. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    This actually would have been a good alternative to having to listen to Sean Mcdonough drone his way through the game. I'm thinking about learning ASL just so I can get some play by play without having to ever hear him again.

    But my first thought was, "Presumably the ASL is for people who can't hear, so why did they include the crowd noise in the broadcast?"
    maumann likes this.
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