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Elon Musk takes over Twitter

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Alma, Apr 25, 2022.

  1. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    At first glance headline sounds like the cars are going to be demolished.
    ChrisLong likes this.
  2. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    This is a video examination of a Tesla Cybertruck. Hoovie is a car nut Youtuber who typically buys cool or exotic cars, fixes them up,, drives and in most cases eventually sells them. He'll buy what was a top of the line AMG Mercedes from fifteen years ago, or an old Jaguar, a Shelby, whatever. He makes content driving it and taking it to his mechanic, the Car Wizard (who has his own channel these days). Anyhow, he coughed up a hundred grand and bought a Cybertruck. You get an up close look at how it is to drive, how it's built, the mechanic poking around under the hood. You also get the bits that break off in the mechanic's hand.

    Anyhow, it's kinda fun if you wanna see what one's like to sit in, or how a monowiper works.

  3. YMCA B-Baller

    YMCA B-Baller Well-Known Member

    X/Twitter made likes private today.

    What a hellscape social media is when those up in arms about this change are predominantly dickheads who want to view likes in the first place just to dunk on people for their views.

    To the degree it was a journalism tool (viewing likes to attempt to read the minds of those doing the liking), it's not important enough to worry about as far as I'm concerned.

    Even as someone active on social media myself (though increasingly jaded about it), fuck the whole enterprise and the fake pseudo-world it has created.
    SFIND and I Should Coco like this.
  4. Regan MacNeil

    Regan MacNeil Well-Known Member

    I'm not up in arms about it. I think it's hilarious because he did it so people couldn't dunk on him for liking hentai posts.
    SFIND and sgreenwell like this.
  5. YMCA B-Baller

    YMCA B-Baller Well-Known Member

    For once, Elon’s megalomania dovetails into something that should have probably been policy right from the start.
  6. apeman33

    apeman33 Well-Known Member

    Hoovie (Tyler Hoover) has said now he's going to sell his Cybertruck, threat of litigation be damned, because they're plummeting in value, a lot of what was promised doesn't work, and the flaws are too problematic to ignore. He's the only person I've seen who's not attempting to justify the purchase to keep from admitting he made a mistake. Then again, Hoovie's Garage is as much about the mistakes as it is the successes.
  7. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    He's totally lost his ass on his Maserati Ghibli. Not that I have much sympathy regarding that. The only thing you can rely on is your Maserati breaking down.

    He keeps buying very high end recent cars and getting burned on attempting to repair and set them right. If you're going to play that game you need to be buying twenty year old high end cars that don't have all the expensive tech parts you can only source from the factory now.
  8. swingline

    swingline Well-Known Member

    But, but, but it does 185!
    Fred siegle likes this.
  9. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    If you can get it to run. And if you can get home in it after it hits 185. I don't doubt it's a lot of fun and a beautiful car, but if I was to buy an honest to god exotic car, it would be an Acura NSX.

    It would do both.
  10. swingline

    swingline Well-Known Member

    ‘Twas a Joe Walsh joke, good sir.
    Fred siegle likes this.
  11. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

  12. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

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