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President Biden: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Jan 20, 2021.

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  1. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    Tomorrow we celebrate having decided not to be ruled by a King.

    Go figure.
  2. SFIND

    SFIND Well-Known Member

  3. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    At some point, that has to happen, right? Salaries can't keep increasing forever.
  4. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    Except the economy wasn’t better when Trump was in office.
    HanSenSE likes this.
  5. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    It's actually the opposite, if we hadn't interferred with things to the degree we have. If the dollar was stable (i.e. -- we hadn't been creating massive monetary inflation). ... salaries would increase due to productivity gains. Productivity has increased dramatically during my lifetime (I am 55) due to technological gains. It may not be a one to one relationship, but in that environment, wages should have gone up dramatically, and in fact, at the utopian end of that we'd all be able to retire, let automation take care of everything and live like kings.

    It hasn't worked out that way. Wages have increased, but the prices of other things (wages are a price) have way outpaced wages. That is due to us blowing our money supply through the roof so politicians can run up massive debt and take over bigger and bigger swaths of the economy in wasteful ways. Over the last four years, the biggest thing -- even though prices generally have risen by more than 20 percent -- has been that housing costs are swallowing up people's wage increases (and then some).

    So work your way backward. ... Consider that we had ZIRP (zero percent interest rates) for more than a decade and a central bank that was buying up trillions of dollars worth of mortgage-backed securities to distort the market for housing, which drove up prices. It was part of an overall scheme to monetize debt, which is necessary when you are running up trillions of dollars of public debt. ... nobody would have bought that debt without an artificial buyer .i.e. -- we essentially created more dollars out of thin air and bought up all kinds of debt, including MBS, in order to drive up the price of that debt and suppress yields, which in turn made houses artificially cheaper for people -- creating more demand -- which in turn drove up prices. While that was going on, politicians were selling a "Look at how much home owership we created."

    But it was all a fantasy. With Covid, they went berzerk monetizing debt (because our government spent like crazy) and the effects became very pronounced in the prices of a lot of things, and people have gotten killed by what they call "inflation."

    That forced the central bank that was behind it all to take its foot off the gas and try to allow interest rates to rise -- they only do that when the pitchforks start to come out. Not only did that create financial instability (the market for things like bonds had been severely distorted for more than a decade) that we are dealing with (in ways that just kick the can down the road and make a bigger reckoning later), but it had the effect they hadn't considered that all of those people with 3 percent 30 year mortgages are now trapped in their overpriced homes, and as a result prices of housing have kept going up, now because of supply problems rather than demand being juiced.

    In the mean time, you have millions of millenials who look at the American Dream and are saying, "We'll never be able to buy a home." They have created despair for the have nots.

    But to answer your question. ... it's the opposite. If productivity increases the way it has due to technological gains, salaries SHOULD be way outpacing the cost of other things (which technically should get cheaper due to those technological gains, but never do because we keep increasing the money supply -- "taxing" people to keep the debt fantasy alive by making their wages worth less and on the other side of the equation making things cost more because of the monetary inflation).
    SFIND likes this.
  6. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Why should wages increase if technology is doing the bulk of productivity previously done by humans earning wages?

    To put it in a 1990s newspaper perspective, why would the implementation of pagination systems increase wages, given that the introduction of those systems sliced thousands of wage-earners from the payroll?
  7. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    As a worker you are as good as how much income your labor provides to someone else. As your productivity grows, each hour of your work generates more income. That makes you worth more salary (if an employer wants that incremental income from your work).
  8. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I think it will happen. The Dems don't want drama. Everybody will get on board. Let Biden serve out his term. The question is who you get for the veep slot. You don't want to risk losing a Senate seat in a swing state when you win, obviously a white guy - Sheldon Whitehouse? Manchin?? Schumer?
  9. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

  10. FileNotFound

    FileNotFound Well-Known Member

    Here’s one thing I need clarified:

    The outrageous shit Trump says, I only actually see repeated on here from Twitter gadflies like Acyn or emptywheel or whoever the Pundit of the Day is that day.

    How come these things aren’t reported by the AP or NYT or traditional media?
  11. BitterYoungMatador2

    BitterYoungMatador2 Well-Known Member

    Because the mainstream media misses the ad revenue created by his chaos.
  12. FileNotFound

    FileNotFound Well-Known Member

    I guess I just miss the days of journalists and columnists having real names like “Walter Cronkite” or something.
    garrow and Driftwood like this.
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