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Please allow me to interject my feelings about Mother Nature

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Chef2, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. I Should Coco

    I Should Coco Well-Known Member

    Triple digits for the next week (at least) here in the PNW. Even west of the Cascades in spots. That region isn’t built for those kind of temps … it’s like when it snows in Atlanta.
  2. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    I am in Phoenix, where it was 118 today and the overnight lows are in the mid 90s. Tomorrow I am driving to Orange County, passing through Blythe (123 today) and Palm Springs (124 today).

    Should be a lovely trip.
  3. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    We're boiling in central Virginia. 99 yesterday, back to around 97 or 98 today. Dew point was 76 yesterday morning, so even on a walk at 8 a.m., I came back completely drenched in sweat.
    Driftwood likes this.
  4. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Hottest I've experienced was 120 in the Palm Springs area in the late 1990s. Palm Springs hit 124 on Friday, it's all time/any day record.

    We've been fortunate here to far -- just one 100-degree day. But it's been bone dry. We had 6.1 inches of rain in June 2023 and only 0.36 of an inch this year.
  5. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    The hottest I experienced was my apartment’s AC crapping out in July in the high desert. I both couldn’t afford nor thought of going to a hotel until it got fixed. Land lady as on it and had it repaired within two days. But it was miserable. I froze dish towels and had a rotating system to keep me cool at night. Fans doing nothing but blowing hot air around.

    In terms of actual day temp, I think my max was 115. I left work after midnight and it was still 100 degrees. I don’t miss desert living.
  6. Octave

    Octave Well-Known Member

    A wedding in Washington in August is the most miserably hot experience I've had.
    It's bad enough navigating that weather without being dressed in monkey clothes.
  7. maumann

    maumann Well-Known Member

    They get in their cars, drive to the Kroger, empty the store of milk, bread and eggs, then crash into each other and block all the freeways?
  8. maumann

    maumann Well-Known Member

    I think "sunny and hot" is implied. But on the bright side, that's a nice drop of 30 degrees at night!
    Batman likes this.
  9. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Concordia Station, Antarctica: Minus-76 (with a "real feel" of minus-110, so be sure to bundle up!).

    I especially like the "turning noticeably colder Sunday and Monday" note. What creature would "notice" it getting colder than that?

    Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 12.39.36 PM.png
    I Should Coco, Batman and maumann like this.
  10. ChrisLong

    ChrisLong Well-Known Member

    My friend lives in Carmel, but has a place in Palm Desert because her in-laws live there. I warned her not to go when I saw that Palm Springs was 124 yesterday. Her husband has to go next week. She isn't going.

    I think the hottest weather I have endured was when my brother and I played golf in 117-degree heat in Las Vegas. This had to be 45 years ago. We were playing at The Desert Inn Golf Club, which no longer exists. The margaritas were especially refreshing that day.
    MileHigh likes this.
  11. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what my personal hottest endured temperature was. I remember a day when it got to 106 here in Mississippi and that was the all-time, any-day record. But we had a lot of days during last year's brutal summer — most of last August, actually — when the temperature was about 102 and the heat index was around 120.

    I had one day several years ago when I didn't have a choice but to cut grass when it was about 95 degrees. Pushed a little too hard, didn't take as many water breaks as I should've, probably didn't put on any sunscreen, and I think I pushed myself to the brink of heat stroke. When I was weedeating toward the end the spool unraveled or something and I was just sitting there in the yard, on the ground, dumbly working on it in a semi-catatonic state. When I finally finished I sat in a cold shower for about 30 minutes before a bar of soap even touched my skin, and that night I more or less laid on the couch staring at the ceiling.
    I make sure to put on the sunscreen and mix in some extra water breaks now.
  12. I Should Coco

    I Should Coco Well-Known Member

    My Dad and I played in 110 degrees a decade or so ago in the Phoenix area. Lots of water, sunscreen and use of a cart made it tolerable.

    Also might be the only time I shot lower than the temperature!
    maumann and ChrisLong like this.
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