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President Biden: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Jan 20, 2021.

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  1. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    He's bringing McDonald's.

    Twirling Time, zufer and playthrough like this.
  2. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    I should add to Kato's post that nobody whose vote would be turned away from the Democrats by seeing Hillary Clinton speak at the convention was 1. never ever gonna vote Democratic anyway and 2. won't watch the convention in the first place.
    jr/shotglass and garrow like this.
  3. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    The whole reason the Democrats have a punchers chance is because they were unafraid to upset all the old “it has to be this way” norms when things were clearly going pear shaped.

    Part of the appeal of this campaign is that it isn’t the same shopworn formula of party bosses and kissing all the usual asses and making each move in such a predictable manner you can remember it from Carter’s first run. A majority of the stuff the experts say you “have” to do has been proven unnecessary by this campaign, and to an extent the previous two.

    Now you do have to have some of that stuff to leaven things out, or otherwise you end up with a cartoon wannabe dictator and a week of wrestlers and sports shit posters at the wheel. But no great mass of people will truly be offended if Hillary Clinton makes the rounds during the day slapping backs and then dips out for box seats at the Cubs game.
  4. maumann

    maumann Well-Known Member

    I get your points. And yes, the Clintons are a key part of the Democratic equation. They should be there, shaking hands and patting backs.

    But if the No. 1 goal of the Democrats is looking to the future, why on earth would you even give your opponents or the mass media any possible chance to whack what momentum you've created over the past two months by giving the Clintons TWO prime spots on television? Don't give the voters who are leaning blue any reason to say, "Oh, hell! Not them again!"

    Again, I'm a reformed Republican so take with a grain of salt, but no way on God's green earth do I ever want to see Hillary's face again. You're trying to reach younger voters, and the best you can do is "Hey, let's party like it's 1999!"

    If there is a saving grace, it's that nobody really gives a crap about conventions anymore. But dang, I want to hear from the generations who will be around in 2050 about what the Democratic Party will do for them. Who are the shining future stars in the party? Gretch? Newsom? I want to hear their visions because the Clintons are history, literally.

    You wouldn't bring out Scott Norwood to fire up Bills fans.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2024
  5. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

  6. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    While acknowledging that facts that you stated here, I categorically reject the premise that the Clintons should be featured next week. The whole reason this past month has felt energized is that I haven't felt that crappy feeling of seeing the same old same old. They are trying to win an election here. Hillary is the antithesis of what I and I think a lot of the nation, want to see as we go into the fall.
  7. Oggiedoggie

    Oggiedoggie Well-Known Member

    Nothing say “Move Forward!” like trotting out two of the party’s most problematic personalities from the past.
  8. BitterYoungMatador2

    BitterYoungMatador2 Well-Known Member

    This is such a perfect goddamned quote.

    Have the Clintons as the opening act at 7 pm when most people aren’t even settled in front of their televisions.
    OscarMadison, dixiehack and maumann like this.
  9. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    The purpose of the convention is to show a unified display of support for the nominee among all segments of what is in the Democrats' case a wide and disparate coalition. The Clintons will be on stage as part of that display. There are lots and lots of people out there who voted for Bill twice and Hillary once. They're getting older now, and of course, old people are very reliable voters. Literally dozens of other Democratic officials will speak next week. I assure you the theme of Monday night will not be "ain't Hillary great!" She will be presenting part of a themed evening, namely emphasizing that the party has another woman nominee and that women are (this is gospel truth) the majority of the Democratic coalition. Bill Clinton will speak because he's about as good a campaigner as we've ever had. Obama will speak because he also is good at it. Again, these will be part of what were one unfortunate enough to be in the hall would seem like an endless succession of speeches.
    Kato likes this.
  10. DanielSimpsonDay

    DanielSimpsonDay Well-Known Member

  11. BitterYoungMatador2

    BitterYoungMatador2 Well-Known Member

    The good news is Chicago is about 80 miles from Wisconsin so maybe she can finally go visit this time.
  12. Octave

    Octave Well-Known Member

    Poor Sloppo can't even understand how badly this is going for him. All he can do is accordion hands.
    OscarMadison and HanSenSE like this.
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