Just learned today that the Big Ten tournament doesn't take every team now that there are 18. Just 15 to the tournament.
I devoutly wish the SEC would trim back to 12 teams and do away with Sad Wednesday. This year you would be getting rid of South Carolina, LSU, probably Oklahoma and likely one of Texas, Georgia or Arkansas.
Didn't Wednesday used to be the day when everybody played except for one marquee ESPN Tuesday matchup?
For regular season? Yes. They’d have the Super Tuesday matchup at 9 Eastern as an afterthought to the Big 10 game. But once expansion and the SEC Network came along there was both more inventory needed and more schools to provide it so things were split more evenly. Sad Wednesday is a term I stole from an Alabama blog to describe the opening day of the SEC tournament. In the ACC it is called the Les Robinson Invitational.
Love, Abby: The forever friendship between the UConn Huskies and one magical fan Carve some time out for this. Bring tissues.
I watched it on TV at the old hotel that used to be just south of campus at College and Rick Quarry. My roommate and I were poor, so it was a special occasion that we went out. Fuckin’ Billy Tubbs.
My girl is Abby’s age, plowing through the eighth-grade year she didn’t get to finish. This wrecked me. I’ve read God knows how many athlete-bonds-with-sick-kid stories now. I have never read one where the players bonded so completely with a child as true equals. I don’t know if there is still a BASW, but if there is this story better hit leadoff in the next edition.
What got to me was the part about the bat mitzvah, and how they didn't want the official UConn social media teams tagging along. It was Abby's night, and they wanted to celebrate it on her terms. I'm like you, I've read (and written) sob stories like this, but this one just hit a little different.