Not Dauer, but a great guess since he just passed, and that seems like a piece of trivia that would pop up.
You can throw in another 257 PAs in 62 playoff games, too. First I thought, "ell, why would you ever want to hit Mark Lemke and give him a free base?" but looking at his stats he was a pretty solid MLB player, with some outstanding playoff performances.
The 1966 season was the NFL's final year with the Eastern and Western Conference format. Two of the 15 teams shared their stadium with a college football team. Which two teams?
Steelers with Pitt, Eagles with Penn? Misread question at first. Thought it was two NFL teams and one college team shared a stadium.
Rams with USC and UCLA at the LA Coliseum. And in the AFL, the Chargers and San Diego St. at Balboa Stadium.
Man, I fucked this question up big-time because at first it was going to be teams that shared with baseball. So it's far more than two. The answer is, the Rams with USC/UCLA; Eagles with Penn; Steelers and Pitt; SMU and the Cowboys, and (the real hard one), the Redskins with George Washington. The Colts, Bears, Vikings, Lions, Browns, Cardinals, Redskins, Falcons and Giants shared their facility with a baseball team.