That is correct. The funny thing was it wasn’t known for awhile. I want to say Dan Brouthers was considered the home run king, but maybe a decade later someone pulled together Connor’s stats.
Not a trivia question because I couldn’t figure out how to word it without coming off as a confusing ass (well, more than usual). Today’s Immaculate Grid had a category of 300 or more career home runs. After missing the Astros/300 HR guess (the guy I guessed had 291 career HRs), I looked up the list. And there are currently 162 players in MLB history who have 300 or more home runs. I thought that was a fun coincidence.
Assuming you guessed Rusty Staub? Immaculate Grid takes me back to my nerdful youth when certain numbers and team connections became seared into my brain. I think I've looked up Rusty Staub so many times for different squares that most of his particulars are locked away in there somewhere.