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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jim Tom Pinch, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. Some people find blemishes on Elle MacPherson. So it goes.

    From one of the Lost message boards, a translation of the conversation:

    Klugh: Mikhail! You know what to do.
    Mikhail: We still have another way.
    Klugh: We cannot risk. You know what to do.
    Mikhail: We still have another way.
    Klugh: We cannot risk. You know the conditions.
    Mikhail: We have another way.
    Klugh: They know us. We will not let them [unintelligible]. You know what to do. It is an order.
    Mikhail: But we still have another way! (pause) I'm sorry! (shoots)
  2. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    So . . .I didn't miss anything, then?

    I haven't seen blemishes on any episodes this season.

    Interesting translation.
  3. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    So, are they going to explain why the cat from Sayid's flashback was on the island?
  4. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Was the Russian dude telling the truth when he told the story of Dharma and the Hostiles? Are the Others the Hostiles?

    And it was interesting that he gave them the name of a Russian anarchist as his own.
  5. John

    John Well-Known Member

    It was a different cat, or it got a helluva haircut.
  6. LiveStrong

    LiveStrong Active Member

    thought it was supposed to be the same cat, like Jack saw his dad, Kate saw that horse, etc., etc.
  7. GimpyScribe

    GimpyScribe Member

    Agreed. I was no more entertained by this episode than last week's. It's all part of the same story. It's a fun ride. I'm ready for a spectacular episode, though, like "Heroes" two weeks ago. But, this "Lost" episode was good, not overly great, much like last week's airing was good, and not nearly as bad as most made it out to be.
  8. leo1

    leo1 Active Member

    yeah but i think that shit is just metaphorical. there's no actual explanation for the horse. the horse from rural iowa (or wherever) is not actually on the island.

    i liked the episode. my wife let out an audible gasp when igor shot the chick. it didn't register as any big deal for me at the time but afterwards i started wondering what the hell kind of person orders someone else to shoot them. i didn't need to read that translation posted above to know what she said. that's hard core.

    and i get why sayid let him live but could he be any dumber, letting this guy tag along who has promised to kill him at the first possible moment?
  9. 85bears

    85bears Member

    It's extremely plausible, though. Think of how many times throughout the show that some dumbass killed or let go of the only person who could shed light on what was going on. Henry Gale/Ben. Ethan. Carl. The list just goes on and on and on. At this point, I don't doubt that Sayid's desire to get to the bottom of this once and for all trumps his fear.

    Oh - and the entire show is metaphorical. People get way into the "secrets." It's a study in how societies form. Why we fight, how we form alliances and nations, etc., etc.
  10. Pringle

    Pringle Active Member

    The animals are the smoke monster. They tried to establish that when it turned out that's what Mr. Ecko's brother was. Remember when it said, "You thought I was your brother!" and then killed him? That was our indication that the smoke takes on forms from people's memories and fucks with them that way.
  11. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    Okay, I really want to know something at this point. I can't take much more. If anybody has some help, I'd appreciate it.

    Why was a U.S. military guy Sayid met in Iraq later part of the Dharma Initiative? And why is Juliet the sister of Jack's ex-wife? Was that girl really in the nut ward with the fat kid? And if that one fella can see the future, why doesn't he tell us how it all ends so that we can go on with our lives?
  12. Orange Hat Bobcat

    Orange Hat Bobcat Active Member

    Honestly, have no idea but I'm sure we'll some lame flashback answer at some point later during this season or next season. Dharma folks probably offered him a chance to get away from the military or something like that.

    Hadn't heard that. I'm assuming it's a spoiler for next week. (Damn you, Heiney.)

    Libby? That's what TPTB would like us to believe. Based on Hurley's shaky (and sunbliminal) recollections of the woman he once loved, I'm guessing they were both institutionalized at the same place at the same time.

    Lastly, 'cause that would be too easy. Desmond can only see certain things at certain times. It seems like he sees how people will die, perhaps so he can help avoid it for another day. I'm sure they'll kill off Charlie and a few other characters in this manner.

    Still love this show, surprised I'm giving it more than the hour I allot it in my life each week. But last week's episode did give me a good ol' fashioned mindfuck, which I appreciated. While there are more questions, they are starting to answer a few. Kind of.

    Still confused, but loving the ride.
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