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JV coverage

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by HoosierLoser, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. Walter Burns

    Walter Burns Member

    Our shop's about 13K, covering 11 schools within (or just without) one county. We're a Gannett paper, so we're getting that Local Information Center hyperlocal coverage pressure from above.
    My thought has always been that we're not going to send someone out to cover junior varsity, freshman or junior high athletics, but if someone wants to turn in a box score or give us a picture to run, I'm not going to turn it away.
    That placates most parents, and gives me one less thing to worry about. It's win-win, from my POV.
  2. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    Nothing wrong with running a score, but the standings aren't worth your -- or anyone's -- time.
  3. BillyT

    BillyT Active Member

    My issue is not so much whether to run JV scores, but the inability of upper management to at least ask you why you don't run them and listen before you get the edict.

    I have been blessed in that way, but other folks haven't.
  4. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    And the cheerleaders work hard.

    Screw the JV ... a 63K paper shouldn't be bothered.
  5. wickedwritah

    wickedwritah Guest

    Because management thinks it knows best. That's why they're in their ivory towers, working 8-4, er, 8-3, er, 8-noon.
  6. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    plus lunch
  7. Oscar Madison

    Oscar Madison Member

    I've been in the same boat. My ME forced me to do a write up on any JV/junior high team that called in. Only one coach called in on a regular basis. So, of course, I got the calls saying that I favored that one team.
  8. patchs

    patchs Active Member

    I've posted this before but it still rings true.
    Anytime a JV parent asks for coverage, ask them a question: "Will you go to any JV games next season when your child is on varsity."
    If they say no, which will happen 99 percent of the time, you say "and that's why we don't cover JV."
    That said, our paper runs called-in JV, frosh results as part of the roundup, a paragraph or 2. We didn't staff JV when I was SE.
  9. BertoltBrecht

    BertoltBrecht Member

    Army does. Mother called in asking why we didn't do a story on local congressman's nephew who is playing on Army JV. After all, we did a story about an area Big 12 player making his first start.
  10. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    where are your priorities?
  11. BertoltBrecht

    BertoltBrecht Member

    We also didn't do a story when said kid got into West Point. Turns out you need an act of congress to get in (recommendation letter). Wonder where he got it.
  12. tx_spts

    tx_spts Member

    We'll run scores/stories if they are submitted,but I'm not going to go out and get the info. If parents call about lack of JV/freshman/junior high coverage, I give them the coaches phone number and tell them I'll cover their kids games when they're on varsity.
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