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most bizarre post-game encounter?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by whatwoulddamondo?, Nov 4, 2007.

  1. Angola!: Setting a higher standard
  2. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    I once spoke with a sophomore point guard, who scored a career-high (at that point) 12 points. One of her quotes to me was, "I like to score. ..." Then she let out a little giggle and gave me the eyes. That was the end of the interview.

    My cousin is the same age, and that's something she would say and not know what else it could imply. So I chalked it up general ignorance and naivety.
  3. Spartakate

    Spartakate New Member

    As I was walking across the field to talk to the winning coach, a group of parents surrounded me after a football game and demand that I write a story about how their kids were unfairly benched. Then they started yelling at the coach and told me to write stuff down. Not joking. I just shifted to the side and edged my way out.
  4. Knighthawk

    Knighthawk Member

    I covered a pro boxing card where two fighters - both fairly well-known - hugged me while I was interviewing them after their fights.

    Shane Battier taking the podium after his last high-school game - a state-title win - and thanking the media for being so good to him was also bizarre, in a different way.
  5. NoOneLikesUs

    NoOneLikesUs Active Member

    Last year a football player whose team lost one game short of getting to the final, sincerely apologized to me about not making it there.

    "I'm sorry because I know how much you wanted to cover us in the championship."

    Uh...not really kid.
  6. Luke02

    Luke02 New Member

    After a pretty serious bender one night, me and a photog show up at a tennis meet. Prior to leaving I cash on body spray and and old spice. After the meet, girl comes up, says "I love your shirt and you smell delicious." Did the only thing a person could do. Went to the car, wrote my story and passed out.

    Them were the days.
  7. Some Guy

    Some Guy Active Member

    That story could have ended better ;)
  8. ostentatious

    ostentatious Member

    home team drops a playoff football game something like 35-14. i'm walking over to the coach trying to figure out what to ask him ('soooooooooooooooooooo....what do you think?' is all that was coming to find) and all of a sudden this drunk players' mom starts screaming at the coach about how if his kid (the quarterback) was a girl, maybe then he would have had to earn his way onto the team. coach makes a beeline past me and gets up in her face and tells her to go home. the husband and the coach exchange some words and eventually it kind of breaks up as the husband ends up dragging the mom away from the coach who then comes back and looks at me like i am the asshole making fun of his kid.
  9. Barsuk

    Barsuk Active Member

    As SJ posting debuts go, this wasn't half bad. :D
  10. TwoGloves

    TwoGloves Well-Known Member

    Rookie goalie who hadn't done much or played much all year was thrown into action at a road game when the No. 1 guy got called up. He plays out of his mind, team wins a big game and when I'm talking to him afterward he's really excited. Then, he asks me if I can put something in my story telling his mom she needs to do his laundry before he gets home. His fucking laundry! I said I'd see what I could do.
  11. Some Guy

    Some Guy Active Member

    Man, that actually sounds like a lead to me. Guy has an awesome debut, and he's such a neophyte that all he can think of is that his mommy needs to do his laundry. What level of sports is this? I think that's awesome.
  12. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    My thoughts of newspapers becoming obsolete were always erased on Friday nights when I'd get an earful over picks. Yes, coach, it really became your team against the world because I picked the other side. You should hire me to heckle your kids before final exams.
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