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Only child?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Write-brained, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    I know I'm at least a few years -- and a few rather big steps -- away from having kids. But that's exactly why I'd like to have a son first and a daughter second.

    My sisters are six and three years older than me, though for the most part, I've always been bigger than them; I'm the tallest person in my Italian family -- so that's probably not saying much. So I was able to look out for each sister. I always felt good about that, but wished I could have been the oldest so I could have done more for them.
  2. Unibomber

    Unibomber Member

    I think it really depends on the size of your family. I have two brothers -- one three years younger and one 12 years younger -- and am glad to have them both. Mrs. Uni has one sister. It is good that she does too because her family is shrinking -- just her mom, grandparents, one uncle and three cousins left. If and when something happens to her mother, she will just really only have that sister left because we are not close to her uncle/cousins.
    So, if your only child is surrounded by many close cousins and other relatives, I say you are OK, but think down the road when you are close to passing and your child is in his/her middle years. Will you be leaving them alone?
    After my son was born (I was 32, so a bit old), I worried that there was no way No 2 would feel as special as No 1 because he was the greatest gift I have ever received. Well, I was a fool. Son No. 2 is just as special and loved and appreciated and he is his own person -- they all are different.
    No 3 will arrive in June. I gotta be honest, I am not sure we need/needed to have another, but I owed the wife one more chance at a daughter. Now, just wait, a year from now I will be telling you how foolish I was to question whether I needed a third!!
  3. Dyno

    Dyno Well-Known Member

    Up until a few months ago, I loved being an only child. My father has been ill and in and out of the hospital since November and I have come to really hate being an only child. It's been extremely tough on my mom and me. On the few days when relatives have come to visit, it's been amazing how much lighter the burden has felt. I keep wishing I had a sibling to help us. It's only going to get harder, though, the older my parents get.

    I have been about the staunchest only child advocate for the longest time, but I think, having experienced what I'm experiencing, that I'm changing my opinion.
  4. forever_town

    forever_town Well-Known Member

    My two cousins literally hate each other. And they're brothers by blood, about two and a half years apart.

    But they can't get past some kind of sick fascination with what the other one is doing.

    The younger one was always *clearly* the favorite of both parents and the older one resents him for it.

    I'd say it was a sad sight to watch, but I feel the same way about my mother.
  5. Though there's no real point, now that w-b has gone and put the bun in the oven, I thought I'd chime in here. I'm an only child, and I think it's made me a stronger person than a lot of siblings I know. The key was not letting myself get too spoiled, realizing that although it was wonderful to be the center of attention when I was a kid, that was not going to be the case when I wasn't in my parent's care. Now, despite having the worst hours imaginable, I can find ways to keep myself entertained (Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a metric fuckload of porn out there...I mean...), and I don't rely on the presence of others to feel comfortable. I still enjoy being in small gatherings, but I can do just fine on my own. I also gained a great appreciation for other people, and I feel I'm a better judge of character because of that. So, there.
  6. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    I was an only child for more than 11 years. My sister just became a freshman in high school. She was 11 when I moved away. I might as well have been an only child.

    And I agree with just about everything in the above post.
  7. Jeez, she must be a royal pain in the ass...

  8. pallister

    pallister Guest

    Sometimes that's by necessity, not choice.
  9. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    My parents spend more on her monthly acne medication (which, admittedly, works) than they spent on clothes for me in any five-year period. So ... yeah. Plus, she's entering that age when just about every girl turns into a little bitch for about three years.
  10. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    There was a time where my brother and I didn't get along, but I never really hated the prick. I'm six years older than him, and he's the youngest -- both brewed a little hostility. I was the baby, the youngest, mommy and daddy's favorite for six years, so when the little fucker came along, I wasn't a happy camper. He lost my Matchbox cars and smashed all my G.I. Joes. But after 12 or 14 years of verbal and physical abuse, scolding and molding the little punk into the dickheaded ingrate he is today, we get along.

    My oldest sister and I, also six years apart, were the same way. We were at each other's throats for years; she wanted to make me cry in front of my friends, and I just wanted to ruin her life. But when she went off to college, I realized I was left with my 6-year-old brother and my retarded, older sister and my parents, with whom I didn't get along. So she and I spoke over the phone and on the computer and we hung out during her breaks.

    My brother and I did the same thing. Now I buy him beer occasionally and we make fun of the rest of the family -- like my oldest sister and I do. That's pretty much my family cycle.

    Now I'm the favorite son; my mom called me yesterday and said so. I win.
  11. Well, at least tell me you stuck her with the biggest jackass groomsman available at the wedding?
  12. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    Oh, dude was a douche. Trust me. :D
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