My father-in-law, who knows more about taxes than I do, claims that sports books and sports magazine subscription I buy are deductible since I am a sports journalist. Comments? Experiences?
I deduct the cost of magazines, newspapers and books I buy (so long as they're actually for work). If you're in a union shop, you can also deduct your union dues.
True. Again, be prepared to prove it. But if you cover football and buy Kiper's draft guides and stuff like that, you can claim it. Same with any premium Internet site you might subscribe to because it helps with work.
Yes, deductable. You are a sportswriter, anything you buy that contains sportswriting is deductable - books, magazines, online charges - all expenses that help you do your job.
I forget how it works (the exact percentage of AGI), but once you start figuring in mileage, association dues, etc., in tally up.
You will surprised at the amount of things you can deduct; Clothes (work), your monthly insurance premiums. As for the books and magazines, you need to be able to prove its for work. A copy of Street and Smith's recruiting edition or college breakdown (if you are a college writer), yes. If you are working for the Podunk Times covering preps and you try to claim your annual subscription to SI, you'll have to justify it to the IRS if you get audited. Don't get carried away.