Last two stops I've had to pay to park. It's pretty common in big cities, although I was able to ride my bike some the last place (wouldn't dream of that here, and our place is not near public transportation).
I worked in Athens for more than two years, I left in Oct. 2005 or something like that, and never had to pay to park.
Hoops is of course the authority on all things Athens, and he is accurate as usual here. While I never worked alongside Texas in a full-time capacity, he is (to borrow a phrase near and dear to another former ABH prep editor) a spectacular individual. And you can rest assured that you won't get overlooked by your boss in this gig. Of course UGA coverage is the focus at the paper, but preps are near and dear to Texas' heart. He'll expect you to bust your rear and give preps the respect and attention they deserve, just as he did and always has. You're not going to be able to raise a family on the salary you'll likely draw, but your quality of life should be pretty good other than that. It's hard to beat Athens as a place to live, especially if you're in your 20s. I've been gone from the Banner-Herald for a while, but I'd be happy to try to answer any questions you might have. Just PM me. Marc Lancaster Tampa Tribune
On behalf of publishers and newspaper CEOs everywhere, count us in the latter half and proud of it. The notion of universal single employees is a good thing too; it reduces our burden on your insurance; it gives you less distraction as our, hired servants. Excellent thought and thank you for your support.
Jeebus, man, it's only been posted for a week, and the postal service runs a little slower this time of year. Give them some time.