Seeking some advice from some of the editors on here. A while ago I landed a part-time position with the newspaper of my dreams. I took the job knowing it may never lead to a full time gig. But, it was a chance I was willing to take. Soon after I started, a fellow employee left, opening a door for me to become a full-timer with benefits. Even though I had done everything right (presumably) I was passed over for the position, by a newbie. I stayed on part time, and pushed for more writing assignments. Despite being much better at writing than the stringers, or even full-timers, it has gotten me nowhere. (I'm not being arrogant with this, I truly suck at most things in life, but I am a great storyteller, and I have what it takes, but that still doesn't help if nobody will take a chance, especially my editors.) My inability to get clips on any major beat prevents me from moving to a major beat at another paper, and I've already done the small newspaper thing. In my opinion, a move to a smaller place would be a move in the wrong direction because I am working where I have always wanted- just not in the ideal capacity. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
No. 1 -- be patient. Like you said, you didn't really think this would pan out anyway. No. 2 -- try not to worry about what others are doing. Stone-casting can only make you look negative, and that certainly won't help you a bit. No. 3 -- keep busting your ass, despite the aforementioned frustrations. If it means writing for other pubs to get more work, that's fine. But definitely write as much as you can. It will further increase your contacts and, in time, your chances of getting a full-time gig at a good shop.
I think you just need to get an honest answer if you have a shot at going full-time in the near future. Also, moving to a smaller paper isn't necessarily a step back if you are going from part time to full time.
An honest answer will do good. You're probably going to hear "Sorry, no can do." Then start looking for something full-time, even if it's at a smaller paper. In the meantime, ask for bigger assignments, even on a fill-in/sidebar basis. If you go from high schools at a 200,000 circ paper to the MLB team at a 50,000 paper, that's not a step down.
Start looking everywhere for a job. And never stop. If you love to cover sports, love being in journalism, the best way to move up is to move around. At least that worked for me. Keep asking your editors for more stories, come to them with ideas, offer to fill in during other people's vacations or days off. And look around.
Your newspaper hired you as a part-timer because they don't have to pay you benefits. They can hire newbies out of college because it's cheaper and half the time, the newbies decline most of the benefits out of the gate in order to maximize their take-home pay. Hone that resume to a fine edge, my friend.
Also, even though you say you are a great story teller (hell, who here didn't think we were God's gift to writing when we were getting started), and you may well be, you should still check with a senior writer on staff and ask for constructive criticism on your work. You may find that while it may be good, it isn't a style the paper is looking for, or you may get that moment (and hell, who here hasn't looked back and realized we really weren't God's gift to writing back then) when you realize that you have a ways to go with your writing. You can even post a story or two here in the Writer's Workshop thread. If you still find the writing is solid, then polish the resume and send out some top clips. Also, since I don't know the gig, do the reporters also have any desk duties? That could also have a lot to do with it. Some of these nebies may have experience with layout/design and that would make them a prime candidate.