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Let me christen the first "American Idol" 2008 thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by printdust, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    And damn, the tape runs out before Archuleta sings. But even with the cock-up job he was said to have done, he's obviously going to survive. I think Hernandez should go, but I bet Syesha or the Filipino gets the boot. All in all, a better night than what I was led to believe. And it seems clear the men's field is a mile stronger than the women's
  2. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Can't stand her. I usually root for the rocker chick ... but, as I said before, the one from last year is head and shoulders above her.
    Whatever happened to her anyway?
  3. Murray the K

    Murray the K New Member

    * Really don't understand the hate for Amanda. She can belt it, she's different and she rocks. No, she doesn't have the pretty voice with the soaring high notes that you've heard a million times, sometimes with little or no emotion (Syesha, anyone?). She has a presence and a big, loud, rocking voice -- how could that not be entertaining?
    * Seriously, was Ryan on speed? If you DVR'd it, watch him again, especially with Jacuzzi. There was something up with him.
    * We get it, Simon: You think Ryan's gay. Wow. That's hilarious.
    * Michael Johns gave a great, understated performance, just as the song calls for. The panel was wrong to tell him he should've "mixed it up." Sometimes you don't mess with a great song (right, country girl?)
    * Jacuzzi and Amanda actually improved so-so Beatle songs. Never woulda thunk it.
    * Brooke was all right. It's nice to see someone singing a song with real emotion. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I guess her performance has grown on me. A nice understated rendition, kinda like Michael Johns' effort. She reminds me of Vonda Shepard (and Carly Simon, of course).
    * I hate "Come Together," but Carly made it interesting.
  4. With you on Amanda, she's authentic, not like Gina from last year, who decided to go the rock route because that's what the judges wanted her to do.
    No doubt Ramielle is out tonight, and nice to see Archuleta stink up the joint. I liked Chikeze. And Brooke White reminds me of that girl in high school who was all arty and flowery but was a closet nihilist who probably has scars from elbow to forearm from where she cut herself for listening to too much Fiona Apple.
  5. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Now THAT is awesome.
  6. Flash

    Flash Guest

    I don't understand how some people don't understand that other people just don't like the way some people sing.
  7. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    I refuse to listen to you because you're obviously retarded if you don't like Amanda.

  8. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    He was the worst of the night by far, but he's not going anywhere...
  9. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    I'm always a little suspicous of a person who gets all teary-eyed 10 secods into a performance, but Brooke was pretty good. For me, third choice behind Chikiese and Carly. I think that she'll be the victim of a week which the theme is well out of her wheelhouse.

    I'm waiting for Simon to make the gay stripper joke to Hernandez -- "David, that sounds like something that one of the old queens at your club would sing"

    Amanda is fine for now, but she won't make it to the last 6.
  10. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Simon made a couple jokes at David Hernandez' expense last week, but none of it made it to the air...

    I think he said something like "You sang a good stripped down version of that song..."
  11. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Wait ... I can't read what you wrote ... my hockey helmet slipped over my eyes.
  12. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    Paula was actually almost coherent a couple of times last night.
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