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Reilly's debut for ESPN the MAG.....

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Chef, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Huggy

    Huggy Well-Known Member

    No, not looking for anything. He's been dead for 16 years. Just adding a personal thought on this column which, since it's Reilly, is bound to produce plenty of comments both pro and con.

    Broadway Joe nailed it: it was probably a bitch to write.
  2. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    Great read, but makes me wonder why this wasn't written as a Father's Day piece in a few weeks. Perhaps he'll be at the U.S. Open instead.
  3. Boobie Miles

    Boobie Miles Active Member

    If he wrote that in 10 minutes then let me just say I'm damn jealous. I don't see how anyone could read that and think it was something he threw together.

    I thought it was great. And when you compare it to the crap that has taken his place on the back page it's pretty clear that this ESPN's gain and SI's loss.
  4. jgmacg

    jgmacg Guest

    The Magazine is biweekly, yes? Father's Day is a week from Sunday. This is the Father's Day issue.
  5. Jay August

    Jay August Member

    I enjoyed the debut and I'm glad we'll get to read Reilly again. He's had some great columns -- and I know this is unoriginal -- but I always like his profiles better.

    It seems like his regular column in The Mag will be called "The Life of Reilly." That kind of surprised me. I thought the ESPN folks would do something to separate themselves from SI.

    But, considering how popular Reilly is, maybe ESPN brass wanted to bring that sense of familiarity.
  6. Pancamo

    Pancamo Active Member

    Not the greatest Riley column ever but compared to the horseshit Dan Patrick writes in SI, this deserves a Pulitzer.
  7. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    Which tells you that I have no use for ESPN the Magazine since they can't even come out once a week. I will, however, check out Reilly's column online.
  8. DisembodiedOwlHead

    DisembodiedOwlHead Active Member

    Not sure what the headline on espn.com means when it says that golf touches more families than any other sport. That's a pretty elitist assumption considering the socioeconomic demographic of the sport.
  9. PeteyPirate

    PeteyPirate Guest

    Has anyone ever seen Reilly and Saget in the same room?
  10. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Well, you're comparing apples to horseshit (Patrick's column)...
  11. Jay August

    Jay August Member

    What Patrick does is much different. It's mostly Q&A, which suits him fine. I always thought he conducted good interviews.
  12. Jay August

    Jay August Member

    Unless they updated it, I thought it was fine. All it says is, "Perhaps more than any sport, golf wields power over families."

    That was the sub-head on ESPN.com. Did you mean something different.
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