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First APSE mandatory dates selected

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by azom, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    Spnited, I know you're perpetually grumpy about such things, but to others, too ...

    Guy started a thread; has the APSE mandatory dates, concerning a contest that will presumably continue despite industry problems. Presumably, some people might want those dates so they can, you know, save papers and eventually enter. He posted it on a journalism topics thread.

    He did it in a completely informational way. Wasn't a very long thread; didn't wax poetic on the virtues of the contest. Didn't say, "Despite the terrible problems of our brethren, thank god we still have the all-important contests." It was one sentence, followed by two dates.

    Industry news is terrible, but let's not lose our minds.

    Oldpaint (3 posts?) Riddick: Some people give a shit. It's a bad time right now -- but life goes on.
  2. oldpaint

    oldpaint New Member

    My fourth post is the same as the third ...

    Who gives a shit!?
  3. ondeadline

    ondeadline Well-Known Member

    Then why did you even call up the thread, oldpaint?
  4. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    Well, at least you're out pushing the boundaries creatively.
  5. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    Winners, APSE 2009:

    1. New York Times
    2. Boston Globe
    3. New York Daily News

    Everyone else hang it up. Contest over.

    (Except Albom, of course.)

  6. hwkcrz1

    hwkcrz1 Member

    Any staff that doesn't have to fire anyone this year deserves an APSE award. I am serious about this.
  7. GBNF

    GBNF Well-Known Member

    You guys are nucking futs.

    Thanks for the info, Azom.
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