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Brian Meehan RIP

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by silvercharm, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. silvercharm

    silvercharm Member

    Long-time journalist. Spent the past 8-10 years or so working sports at The Oregonian, mostly as a columnist. Good guy.
  2. DougDascenzo

    DougDascenzo Member

    Terrible news.

    Meehan had a history of heart problems. He went in for his third open-heart surgery last week and never regained consciousness. He passed away Tuesday afternoon.

  3. Kappa

    Kappa New Member

    A tremendous loss. He was the best, personally and professionally. All of us are poorer for Brian's death.
  4. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

    Obit is here.


    Nice man, very approachable, very readable, and had no holier-than-thou attitude/big-time ego despite some serious journalism chops. Was the section's ying to Canzano's yang. (to clarify, Meehan didn't have JC's hard edge. JC is also very approachable, readable and doesn't have a HTT attitude, either.)

    Loved baseball, covered the Mariners on a feature/column basis (the O virtually ignores the local Triple-A PCL franchise), and some Oregon State baseball. Also knew his hoops.

    He smoked up until several years ago, at least. Not sure how much that contributed to his health problems but it sure couldn't help.
  5. jps

    jps Active Member

    just heard ... sad, sad news.
  6. CNY

    CNY Member

    I had the good fortune to work with Brian in Portland, and he was as nice a guy as you'll meet.

    The O has put together a tribute page:
  7. How sad. I was fortunate enough to meet him a few years ago. Very nice man. Thoughts to his family and friends.
  8. awriter

    awriter Active Member

    Holy shit, that's terrible news. Worked at a competing paper for several years and Brian was a good guy. RIP.
  9. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    brian was a quality individual on all counts.
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