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Sports writer/Denton (TX) Record-Chronicle

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by koolbreeze, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. mltru2tx

    mltru2tx Member

    It was a guy who had been there about nine months and left for a real job with real money. At this point, can't say I blame him. The "real job" comment is of course a statement on the entire industry, not this job in particular, just to clear that up.
  2. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    I lived in Denton County (The Colony) in the early 80s and only returned back for a road trip last fall. Back then, it was in the country. Now it's part of Dallas' massive sprawl.

    Still, not a bad area though.
  3. And you're only a short drive from the Winstar Casino. Just avoid it on the weekends.
  4. txrangerman

    txrangerman Member

    I can speak with authority on this one (to fully disclose, I worked there for two years and I'm currently filling in for the guy that left) ...

    The DR-C is a very good paper to work for if you a young writer looking to cut your teeth. For a paper its size, they do quality work. They've cut down on their coverage area in sports in recent years, mostly because Denton itself is growing and it now has three high schools and there's less of that pie to go around to the area schools. That's just a necessity of the area's growth, I guess. There are enough decent teams in the area to get a writer to an occasional state tournament, especially basketball.

    They are owned by Belo, but that in no way will lead you to the DMN. While two writers have made it (Richard Durrett and Tim MacMahon) after covering UNT, no one has made it sense. Believe me, I knocked myself silly trying to crash down that wall (as did a lot of sports writers there). Do not go to the DR-C with that expectation, especially with all the cutbacks the DMN has made recently.

    For a paper that size, the equipment is very good (one benefit of being owned by Belo). I would suspect, if they still run things the way they did when I was there, that this writer will be expected to do some desk and editing, but that's a necessary evil at the DR-C's level. The pay will not be great, I assure you. But, again, that's a necessary evil at the DR-C's circulation level. But, if the benefits are the same as when I worked there full time, they ROCK and should not be underestimated. Ask and make sure they're sill offering medical, dental and vision. You'll miss them when they're gone (believe me).

    The staff has completely turned over since I left four years ago, with the exception of UNT beat writer Brett Vito. But I can tell you that the SE, Todd Jorgenson, is a great guy, utterly professional and easy to work with.

    Most 15K circ papers are in small towns (I worked in Corsicana, I know whereof I speak), and the DR-C has a real advantage with UNT and a solid downtown bar scene. Plus, Dallas and Fort Worth are just 30 minutes away and a drive to a Mavs or Stars game at 5 p.m. is real easy when the traffic jam is heading north, not south. And, if you're a gambling man, Winstar is about 40 minutes up the road.

    Overall, I would recommend this job to a young sports writer who is looking to put together a year or two of solid clips and move on to a larger paper. It's by no means where you are going to spend your entire career, but you'll learn a lot and write a lot. Naturally, you'll be putting me out of some part-time work, but I'll get over it.

    PM me if you need more info.
  5. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    Ever party with the Von Erichs? They apparently had quite the selection of, uh, party favors.
  6. WS

    WS Member

    Don't refer to North Texas as "Southlake North," as apparently the townies don't like it. And no, I don't live in or near Texas.
  7. joe_schmoe

    joe_schmoe Active Member

    If your lucky, you won't have to cover UNT football. Jus sayin.

    I will say this, when I inquired there a few years back, in my initial search of the town I found some very inexpensive apartments. I checked into a couple as the prices kinda made me skeptical that they would be complete dumps, but two of the three places I looked at were fairly well kept, nice looking apartments, although at least one was farily close to TWU, so I don't know what the scene is there.
    And if my few days there was any indication, rush hour traffic is laughable (as in, it hardly exists).
    I have no idea how much the paper has changed since I had gone up there to look, but I was extremely impressed with everyone there. Seemed like a good environment, and the ME (Anette Fuller, who I think has since moved on) seemed like she'd be great to work for. You def. got the feel that people enjoyed working for her, and she knew what the heck she was doing.

    The one (and only) thing that held me back is the same thing that would hold me back today: the pay, even though $12.50 is really not bad for Texas.
  8. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    Be careful about that. Some bean counter at Belo is going to figure out they have four writer spots, an ASE, and an SE at a 15K and start snipping away. I know some 40K's that aren't so well-staffed.

    Denton's a nice town. It's no Austin, but at least the bars stay open till 2. And I understand the paper is a lot better place to work than it was a few years ago. But at Belo, $12.50 means $12.50. They used to be absolute Nazis about overtime pay. And you will work more than 40 hours, if you get my drift.
  9. mltru2tx

    mltru2tx Member

    I'm not saying it didn't use to be like that. But things have changed, from what I understand. You will not do work you don't get paid for, unless you're just a company guy and do it voluntarily, which is just stupid. I know the sports editor, and he'd be a great guy to work for.
  10. Big Circus

    Big Circus Well-Known Member

    Honestly. That's the same staff we have at my 30K shop.
  11. dargan

    dargan Active Member

    Best thing about Denton: 299 Oriental Express and Chicken Express, the greatest fast food restaurant ever, are right across the street from each other.
  12. txsportsscribe

    txsportsscribe Active Member

    worst thing about denton: some greedy bastard razed all my favorite fry street dives. bastard! bastard! bastard! bastard! :mad:
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