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FBC week 13 running thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by 2muchcoffeeman, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Here's what I couldn't figure out last night. it gave me a headache.

    Is there NO way Oregon, with two losses, can get in there? I mean, they have OSU coming up.
  2. SouthPaw

    SouthPaw New Member

    Defense with an offense that's looked shaky at time. The average college football "fan" likes defense about as much as a root canal. Remember too, the thing about Penn State's offense is that it's always reined in to go ultra-conservative on the road. That and Clark's 60-minute transformation into Anthony Morelli cost PSU the Iowa game and nearly cost it in Columbus. Home or neutral field and you see a much different team.
  3. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    The stripper, eventually.
  4. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Best answer I've seen. At least somebody came up with it.
  5. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    There are four men's basketball programs that claim to have "won the SEC championship" in the 1999-2000 season. LSU is one of them, and John Brady was found of saying "When we won the SEC in 2000." He conveniently omitted the fact that three other teams "won the SEC" that year by finishing in a four-way tie.

    Oh, and Brady married the stripper. Ex-stripper, I guess.
  6. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    There is a way, but it is ridiculously remote. After the head-to-head that decides who goes to the Rose Bowl, the next tie breaker is how each of the then three tied teams (each would be 1-1 against each other) did against the next best team in the standings. That is Cal right now. USC and Oregon State both beat Cal. Oregon lost to Cal. So Oregon would be out. That can change, of course. It's something like: UCLA beats Az. State and USC, Arizona loses to Oregon State and Arizona State, and Arizona State loses to UCLA, but beats Arizona, Stanford beats Cal, but then Cal betas Washington. If that happens, then the next teams in the standings would be UCLA, Cal and Stanford all tied at 5-4. And Oregon, Oregon State and USC all would have gone 2-1 against those teams. So you'd still have a three-way tie.

    The next tie-break, I believe, if I read the thing correctly is to move further down the standings. That leaves Arizona, Arizona State, Washington State and Washington. Well, Oregon, OSU and USC all will have swept those teams, so you'd still have a three-way tie.

    So the tie-breaker AFTER that is the BCS standings. That is where Oregon would surely lose out. Right now USC is 6th and Oregon State is 21st and Oregon is 24th. IF USC lost to both Notre Dame and UCLA, they could maybe fall low enough for Oregon to pass them. But they'd still need Oregon State to not make too big a jump with a win over Arizona.

    1) Yes, I need to get a life. 2) The chances of that kind of thing happening have to be about a billion to one, 3) I can understand why it gave you a headache.
  7. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

  8. Hammer Pants

    Hammer Pants Active Member

    I don't think anyone should have any logical reason for saying Penn State is overrated — other than possibly Ohio State's recent BCS woes.

    Penn State looks really damn good, and that Iowa loss — like Florida's Ole Miss loss — doesn't look as bad right now.
  9. chester

    chester Member

    Haven't, in many ways, Penn State and Florida almost mirrored each other? I mean, both have one-point losses to teams that aren't god-awful, and have basically plowed over everybody else. About the only difference is that Penn State did have a tough, close game at Ohio State, something Florida doesn't, but could get at Florida State this week.
  10. Hammer Pants

    Hammer Pants Active Member

    That would put Bama with one loss, and a worse loss than Texas, Ohio State, Penn State, or Southern Cal. That should hurt them in a rational pollster's eyes.
  11. Hammer Pants

    Hammer Pants Active Member

    Ole Miss isn't god-awful.

    Look at its schedule/results.
  12. chester

    chester Member

    Sorry, I meant to say NOT god-awful. I edited the previous post to show that. Self-editing a good thing. I should try it. :)
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