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We have to go back! (Lost 2009 season)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JakeandElwood, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. NDub

    NDub Guest

    I've got a million questions and some already written down.

    -Who is coming?
    -What language did Richard answer the riddle? And what did he say?
    -Why did Ilana call him Ricardis?
    -Who was the guy with Jacob on the beach at the beginning?
    -Why did he want to kill Jacob?
    -What “loop” were they speaking of?
    -How did he incarnate in Locke’s body?
    -Why did he have Ben kill Jacob?
    -Did Eloise Hawking know this man would incarnate in Locke’s body if he and the rest of the Oceanic 6 came back? Or was she just a part of this “loop”?
  2. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure that was Latin that Richard answered in.

    That's the only answer I have :)
  3. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Latin like THe Others have spoken throughout the series?
  4. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Seems to be.

    I'm reading some fan sites claiming it was Latin for "He who guards/saves us all."
  5. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    I say this at the end of every season:

    What an incredible show.

    And now, it's another seven months or so to go...

    Oh, and it was nice to see Rose and Bernard.
  6. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    I have no idea what I just watched, but I loved it.
  7. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Based on what we learned about the cabin from tonight and in the past, does anyone think that cryptic "help me" voice and old man wasn't Jacob at all? Rather this dude from the beach scene at the beginning who's seeking help to kill Jacob? And that's why only Locke could hear him? Not ben?
  8. STLIrish

    STLIrish Active Member

    Damn. That was quite an episode.

    I've got to figure feelings will be damn hard between Sawyer and Jack in whatever comes next (at least if they're still on the island).
    Is Sayeed dead? Juliet? Why do they keep killing off my favorite characters? Long live Desmond!
    It would seem that the crowd outside the temple (or whatever we're calling Jacob's room under the foot) will turn against "Locke," wouldn't it? Is this assassination the start of the "war" we've been warned about? An Archduke Ferdinand sort of thing?
    Also, for NDub's second-to-last question, I'd guess "Locke" had Ben kill Jacob because he, for some reason, can't. Why that is, who knows?
    I'm a little surprised Ben went for it in the end, though. He seemed awfully small in that scene (the end of a long shrinking of the man). But, then, it's not like Jacob gave him any reason not to.
    And the season ends with still no word of Claire or Christian. Or Walt, for that matter.
  9. lisa_simpson

    lisa_simpson Active Member

    WFW, Webster, Word for fucking word.
  10. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Jacob assembled his army.
    The people on Ajira were all there because of Jacob
    Everything that happened was because he (He?) wanted it to happen that way.
    The other dude on the beach, the one who became John Locke? That's the smoke monster.
    He couldn't take on physical form, he had to have a body to copy.
    Jacob could take physical form. Christian Shepard (no loaded meaning there) and the others who have popped up from time to time, they have all been Jacob. He could also leave or at least project off the island and interact with people at different points in time.
    Neither of them could kill the other, but becoming the Smoke Monster is a result of when the Black Rock crashes on the island.
    Richard (Ricardis) is the lone survivor of the crash and made immortal by Jacob either as a reward, or, perhaps and more likely, punishment.
    The bomb going off is what's going to shoot the 1977 people into 2007.
    Oceanic 815 never crashes. The hatch is never built, but those on the island at the time of the blast stay. Juliet is still alive, so is Faraday and the rest of the people who died, because they never died on the island.
    All the DHARMA stuff, just a head fake, a distraction to hide the real plot of a showdown between good vs. evil.
    It is all leading to Ragnarok or Judgment Day or whatever you want to call it.
  11. DougRoberson

    DougRoberson Member

    Here are my guesses:
    Jacob, some sort of pseudo god, represents choices The loom he was working on at the beginning of the episode is the timeline of all living things. He controls their destinies, but gives them options
    The other dude, another some sort of pseudo god represents fate. No choices.

    the other dude (TOD) lost a bet to Jacob, for lack of a better phrase, got banished.

    richard, who was on the Black Rock, became Jacob's valet. Jacob needed him to mind things on the island while he roamed the world.
    TOD's valet is smokey (no idea what he is), eliminating people who didn't believe in fate, or who Jacob could use to try manipulate into changing the inevitable showdown between himself and Jacob, which we saw part ??? of fate.

    (Notice how the white Lost on the black background changed into a black Lost on a white background tonight?)

    TOD, banished from the island, had to trick Jacob into bringing him back to the island by jumping bodies throughout the years. Of course Jacob knew this and has been doing his own thing in attempt to beat back TOD.

    Which leads us to the bomb tonight. While TOD thinks he has killed Jacob, and taken control, and TOD/Locke told Ben before they killed Jacob, Jacob has outdid him by having the castaways detonate the bomb, and reseting everything back to how it was.

    Don't know who Iliana is.

    Widmore, and Faraday are just duped people in this battle b/w Jacob and TOD.

    One man's theory.
  12. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    The guy with Jacob on the beach was his Bad Twin and I would guess twins can't kill each other for some reason.

    And I guess that ship was the Black Rock. Now, how did it wind up in the middle of the jungle?
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