Ryan Reynolds spinoff movie was OKed the week after X-Men Origins opened huge at the box office. I'm not a huge X-Men fan, but I saw Origins and Weapon 11 may be one of the coolest villains EVAR. http://blogs.coventrytelegraph.net/thegeekfiles/2009/06/ryan-reynolds-picks-sidekick-a.html
I'm guessing the character we see will be a good bit different from what Deadpool was at the end of Wolverine. If not, I ain't interested. The Merc with a Mouth not talking?! No thanks. "Do you ever shut up?" "Not when I'm conscious, no."
Deadpool was (yes I'll say it) fucking awesome... in everything but the movie. Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool? No, thanks. He's awful.
We'll have to agree to disagree there. I thought he was a good fit, a better one if they actually give him enough funny lines to work with.
Ditto. Reynolds is perfect. However, give me a Gambit movie before Deadpool. I love the Deadpool character, but Gambit, well, there was so much debate and speculation on him for months and months. Would he have the red eyes, is Taylor from FNL good enough, blah blah. I'm kind of excited for the proposed X-Men: First Class if it happens.
I don't remember the exact comic (Cable & Deadpool, maybe?), but Deadpool referred to himself as a cross between Ryan Reynolds and a Shar-Pei. And that was in the comic 4 or 5 years ago.
I agree...Gambit would be amazing! I grew up a comic book dork and he was my favorite X-Men character, right ahead of Wolverine. Right now, I'm just going to sit back and be patient and wait for another Batman movie.
Cable was my favorite. Those badass plasma guns and that wicked cyborg arm. What a kick-ass character. Would love to see him in a movie. Agreed on Gambit before Deadpool.