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Indiana beat writer, The Herald-Times (Bloomington, Ind.)

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by Chris_Korman, Jun 30, 2009.

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  1. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Let us know how long it takes to do even a single readthrough of all the applications. I'm curious.
  2. gutenberg

    gutenberg Guest

    No mention of Steve Alford? OK, Quagmire is now out of the running.
  3. gutenberg

    gutenberg Guest

    I have no idea who Don Schlundt or Branch McCracken is so I guess I'm out of the running.

    Oh wait, I'm not in the running.

    But I do know the Van Arsdales (and Landon Turner) -- maybe I should get in the running.

    Ahhhhh, that would mean living in the state of Indiana. Ummmmmm ... never happening.

    I nominate Andy Friedlander for the gig. He'll do a bang-up job.

    And no, you people with 26,000-plus posts who think the only people who say anything nice about anyone is the person himself, I'm not Andy Friedlander and I freaking don't know Andy Friedlander.
  4. Chris_Korman

    Chris_Korman Member

    I've basically been reading through the applications as they come through for the most part. Each one has taken at least 10 minutes, and some have been up to 30 (in the cases where I Google the person and look for more information/clips). I've also spent a fair bit of time responding to e-mails and taking/making calls related to the decision.

    We've received somewhere in the neighborhood of 120 applications.
  5. Rockbottom

    Rockbottom Well-Known Member

    I nominate Korman for SE of the Year, based on the amount of effort he is putting forth. I imagine 119 of those folks will eventually get very kind rejection e-mails, and one will get a strong job working for a good boss.

  6. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    So you are looking at roughly a week of the sports editor's time just to get through the initial readthrough of the apps.

    Sort of puts into perspective why we don't always get as much personal response as we'd like.
  7. BYUSportsGuy

    BYUSportsGuy Member

    Nice to see the other side of things and what SEs go through. I'm very surprised by the number of applicants. I thought it would be astronomically high, considering how great a gig this is. Is living in Indiana a real deal-breaker for some? As a recent grad, maybe it's just that I'm a little more open to where I'd live to get a job, but I've lived in small-town Southern Indiana as well as the border towns in Kentucky... there's definitely worse places to live.

    But I'm interested in what you seasoned veterans think. Is 120 a high number or a low number for a nice Big Ten beat like this? If it's low, what could possibly be the reason why people WOULDN'T want this?
  8. Rockbottom

    Rockbottom Well-Known Member

    Based on comparable positions I have advertised for in the past, the 120 sounds about right.

  9. sportsguydave

    sportsguydave Active Member


    120 is rather low in comparison with what some of the posters here were projecting (I think the over-under was set at 300 by one).

    Apparently, living in Indiana is a deal-breaker for our "pro-beat guy," Gutenberg, who seems to feel the need to constantly bash the Hoosier State. But he's also bashing Medford on the other thread, so apparently he just has an issue with small towns and has to pump himself up by looking down his nose at the rest of us.

    I've lived here for several years now, and I love it. I really don't know why the number wouldn't be higher ... I'm SE at a 9,000 daily, and we got 40 applications last year for an ASE position that was eventually frozen ...

    And by the way, kudos to Mr. Korman and how he's handling his search. That's a very tall order, and to echo Rockbottom, whoever gets this gig will be a lucky guy, because he'll have a boss who knows how to treat people. That, unfortunately, is becoming more and more rare these days.

    And those who don't get it will at least have the satisfaction of knowing that their application got a fair shake.
  10. GlenQuagmire

    GlenQuagmire Active Member

    I limited myself to only so many names. Steve Alford, Alan Henderson, Keith Smart, Landon Turner, Mike Woodson, Andrae Patterson and Damon Bailey were a few names I just neglected to mention.
  11. Panther11

    Panther11 New Member

    I can vouch for Indiana and the number of apps for this position.

    Living there, I can see where people who love living there love it, and why people who make think of the stretches of I-70 or I-80 might be turned off. You have to know the state well enough that southern Indiana is actually pretty nice. Bloomington is a great college town, and the surrounding areas have hills and trees. About 20 miles north of Bloomington, it gets...well, dull. It's all flat, and it starts to smell like factories.

    I think 120 is right in the ballpark. It's strange, but if you truly love the field, you'll know that you're not there to cheer for Indiana football, and instead, be there to be objective and cover a Big Ten beat, which very few beats around the country could compare to.
  12. alex.riley21

    alex.riley21 Member

    Korman is without doubt the man. That whole organization is fantastic. As a recent grad who has been looking for a job since Dec, having an organization like this is refreshing. Both he and the HR director sent personal responses thanking me for my application packet.
    I've applied to a ton of jobs at much, much, much smaller papers and never even heard a peep from them. To have a big time job like this even respond with a "yea we got your stuff" kind of email is refreshing.
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