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Let's go to homecoming ... and then detention?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Scouter, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. Scouter

    Scouter Member

    Students at this high school were given weekend detention for buying tickets at the door for their homecoming dance. The asst. principal says students could've bought tickets a week ahead of time so this is their punishment for not planning in advance. Oy...

  2. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Principal's an idiot.

    Just make a deadline for signing up. Anyone who misses the deadline, misses the dance. Plain and simple.
  3. Shark_Juumper

    Shark_Juumper Member

    This is the same high school that denied students their diplomas because relatives cheered as the studnets walked across the stage during the ceremony.

  4. Captain_Kirk

    Captain_Kirk Well-Known Member


    I hope they were at least playing Simple Minds, "Don't You Forget About Me" as the kids were entering the dance.
  5. Scouter

    Scouter Member

    Aaaaand now the word here in the newsroom is that the school has backed down from its policy.
  6. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    Crazy idea, don't sell tickets at the door.
  7. Bad Guy Zero

    Bad Guy Zero Active Member

    Did they also deny the slutnets diplomas if their families cheered?
  8. mustangj17

    mustangj17 Active Member

    Well I understand that. My college graduation had air horns. It was a freakin' circus.
  9. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    I'm still trying to understand this.
    If you want students to learn to plan ahead, just don't sell tickets at the door. That's how they learn the lesson: Either plan ahead or you don't get to go.

    But why should a kid have to decide by Thursday if he/she wants to go to a dance Friday? It's a free-time, recreational activity. Adults don't have to buy movie tickets in advance. We went to a bluegrass festival Saturday and didn't decide to go until noon that day.

    I want to know more about the reasoning behind this.
  10. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Not that it makes sense, but they said it was because they depended on advance ticket sales to plan how much food/drink to purchase and how many chaperones will be needed.
  11. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    Just take the average tickets sales - advance and door - for the previous 12 dances and average them.
    Or don't have door sales.

    This approach just doesn't make any sense to me.
  12. part-timer

    part-timer Active Member

    Sounds like something that would happen at our alma mater, eh Buck?
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