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Sports writer, Greenwood, S.C.

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by ScottJBryan, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. Matt Connolly

    Matt Connolly New Member

    Any idea when the paper hopes to have someone hired by?
  2. ScottJBryan

    ScottJBryan Member

    It's football season, so we're hoping to hire quickly. We'll take applications for about a week and go from there.

  3. mojo20205

    mojo20205 Member

    Adam Regan was covering a football game on a rainy, windy Saturday afternoon in North Jersey last year.

    He was covering a coach who would break the state record for wins in a career. The coach was not in the best of health and got sick at halftime, so much that he had to be taken from the field in an ambulance. Rumors swirled from other reporters (I was covering another game at the time) that the coach was dead.

    He pulled off the story like any good reporter would: Didn't bitch and moan, didn't panic. Just hit the phones hard once he got back to the office and wrote one of the best stories he ever did.

    I worked with him for a few years and must say that Anderson is getting a good one.

    And make sure he gets a better headshot than he did at the New Jersey Herald.
  4. Ben.Breiner

    Ben.Breiner Member

    Any word here?
  5. ScottJBryan

    ScottJBryan Member

    We're in the process of conducting phone interviews and scheduling in-house interviews. Lots of great candidates, as always.
  6. Ben.Breiner

    Ben.Breiner Member

    This one's been filled... and yes, I'm hired
  7. Leo Mazzone

    Leo Mazzone Member

    Congrats. Celebrate with some Lee's Barbecue.
  8. johann

    johann Guest

    But drive to Batesburg-Leesville occasionally for Shealy's BBQ experience.
  9. cowhitchurch

    cowhitchurch New Member

    Congrats to the hired. I interviewed with Scott over the phone for this job and was offered an opportunity to come interview in person, but would have had to pay my pay. Could not afford to travel from Illinois to South Carolina with no guarantees. Unfortunate, but Scott seemed like a great guy and best of luck to you.
  10. Georgiaguy

    Georgiaguy Member

    I have to second or third or whatever about working with Scott. I have never worked for him, just with him back when we were at Aiken, and he knows what he is doing.
    Work as hard as he does and you will be fine, just never mention Dixie Jr World Series to him and you will be fine.
  11. Barsuk

    Barsuk Active Member

    Man, you haven't lived (or wanted to die) until you've covered a Dixie World* Series.

    *"World" consists of nine states.
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