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Rocky week on AMC

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by printdust, Feb 9, 2011.


Which Rocky stands out atop your list?

  1. Rocky I

    14 vote(s)
  2. Rocky II

    3 vote(s)
  3. Rocky III

    5 vote(s)
  4. Rocky IV

    5 vote(s)
  5. Rocky V

    0 vote(s)
  6. Rocky VI

    1 vote(s)
  1. Colton

    Colton Active Member

    Paulie about Thunderlips as he makes his way to the ring: "Why are they carrying him?"

    Mickey: "He's walkin'!"
  2. Deeper_Background

    Deeper_Background Active Member

    Sly shot two endings and I think the alternate one is better
  3. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    The running exchange between Rocky and Mickey before the first Apollo fight was hilarious.
    When they're in the tunnel:
    Mickey (talking about Rocky's robe with the meat company tag on the back): Where'd you get that thing? I didn't train you to be a billboard!
    Rocky: I'm doing a favor for a friend.
    Mickey: What do you get out of it?
    Rocky: Paulie gets $3,000, I get the robe.
    Mickey: Shreeeewwwwd.

    Then, when Apollo starts dancing and yelling "I want you!" at Rocky during his introduction:
    Rocky: Is he talkin' to me? Is he talkin' to me?
    Mickey: I think he's talkin' to you.

    For all it's faults, the last fight from Rocky V had some great lines too:
    "You knocked him down, why don't you try knockin' me down now?"
    "I'm not gonna knock you out this time. I'm gonna put you through the street."
    "Get up, you son of a bitch! 'Cause Mickey loves ya!"
    And, the parting shot as he and Rocky Jr. visit the statue...
    "As long as this thing is here, pigeons is always gonna have a place to shit." (Yeah, I know he said "sit." My way is cooler.)
  4. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    The one part that I do like about V is the scene where the Don King promoter tries to get Rocky to come back and fight, and Adrian yells at GW Duke to leave him alone. Then, after he leaves, as the train rumbles over on the El, Rocky asks, "Yo, Adrian! Did we ever leave this place?"

    Even though the rest of the movie is mediocre, at best, I always liked that scene.

    Oh, and one of the best Mickey lines:

    "Women weaken legs!"
  5. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    "Inside uh tree rounds!"

    The greatest moment in the sequels:

  6. printdust

    printdust New Member

    But then he became the "World Leader of Bridge-Building." That was during the era of Everybody Loves Gorby equal to Reagan. I liked the old line backasswards Politburo guys on both sides. And I also almost leaned in Drago's direction when he finally found his balls amid all those roids and told his manager and Gorby off.
  7. printdust

    printdust New Member

    The technical imitation of the special effects on Drago's entry in contrast with Apollo's was a shot at the disparity between the two nations to put something like that together.
  8. mediaguy

    mediaguy Well-Known Member

    Somehow, the only scene I ever stumble upon is Rocky in his uber-concussed phase trying to pitch the jungle-themed cologne and disappointing the commercial's director. Not quite as classic.
  9. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    And there's another inconsistency. He stumbles during the commercial shoot in II, then in the III montage, he's doing an American Express card commercial, then in V, when Paulie suggests he do commercials, he says that he's "not a commercial-type of guy."

    Then again, he can climb a mountain without any gear. So what do I know?
  10. Actually, at least in relative terms to the rest of the Rocky world, I can see a path to some realism there.

    *First commercial -- Desperate, but really out of his element. Definitely "not a commercial-type of guy" there.
    *Second commercial -- That whole period is set up as him "going commercial" from The Muppet Show to his eventual training circus even as Mickey fears Clubber will "kill ya to death." (I think that's where that one's from, right?)
    *Paulie reference -- So you can kind of see him saying: "Whoa. I'm not going back there again. I don't want to be that fake again."

    And how could he, really? That guy was so afraid of "losing what I got!" that he could barely jog in the sand, while training. The much more authentic, confident and fearless Rocky not only could knock out Clubber Lang, but showed enough confidence in his masculinity to jump and play and splash in the ocean with Apollo in slow motion.

    It's a valuable lesson for us all, really.
  11. timbo slice

    timbo slice New Member

    i believe the problem in II was he couldn't read the lines. since he taught himself how to read he was able to do the later commercials, although the line in V is inconsistent with the character.
  12. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    That scene was excruciatingly bad. I saw it on the DVD and understood why it had been cut from the finished product.

    Burt Young can't fake cry worth shit. He sounded like a hyena. Why did Paulie call Rocky "Rocco" all through the movie, by the way? He'd never done that before, IIRC.

    And his best role was as Thornton Melon's companion/enforcer in "Back to School."
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