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Baseball Writers Needed for RotoInfo.com

Discussion in 'Freelance/stringer help wanted' started by zooped, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. zooped

    zooped New Member

    30 Baseball Writers Needed 1 for each team

    Writers Duties:

    Write and post at least 3 750 - 1000 word articles a week on your assigned team
    Stories must be then sent out on twitter / facebook and whatever outlets are provided or suggested
    All 3 articles can not be posted on the same day they must be broken up throughout the week.
    (3 is the minimum required) you can write and post as often as you like

    Writer will receive 10% of revenue earned from ads placed on their assigned team page & 2 advertisement areas one above the fold and one beneath for personal use.

    Writer can sell their advertisement real estate to 3rd party advertisers during their duration of their contract. *Note ads must be approved by rotoinfo.

    Writer will have to sign a contract with rotoinfo.com that will run throughout the baseball season including playoffs / world series if applicable.

    Team page URL example http://www.rotoinfo.com/phillies

    Most recent article will be posted in the left column above the fold and the archive is placed beneath the fold in the right column. Please look @ screenshot

    Each team page comes with their own twitter page http://www.twitter.com/roto_phillies and stories will be posted on the main rotoinfo.com url and twitter page driving traffic to your team page for maximum visibility.

    The more articles that are written and shared, tweeted, facebooked, digged etc the more the writer will have the chance to earn.

    Please send 2 samples of your writing a link to your twitter / facebook, contact information and what teams you are interested in writing for / list your top 3 team choices rotoinfo@gmail.com or jobs@rotoinfo.com

    Sample of what the team page will look like below

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  2. sully84

    sully84 New Member

    Thought this was NBC's rotoworld site at first...
  3. ChrisMaza

    ChrisMaza Member

    I think a member here, bjammin has written for them before. Maybe he can shed some light on the organization?
  4. nate41

    nate41 Member

    Wonder how much (or little) per week this turns out to be...
  5. akneeland

    akneeland New Member

    Maybe I'm underestimating the value of the two personal ad spaces, but 10% of ad sales seems awfully low compensation.
  6. zooped

    zooped New Member

    Currently our site is averaging 25,000 unique visitors a day (basketball season) we are up about 15% from last.

    Last Baseball season the traffic for each team was between the 1,000 to 1,500 a day.

    We currently run 2 types of ads on each page 3 are PPC and the other 3 are impression ads.

    revenue will vary for each team the same way merchandise does in the MLB some teams are just more popular than others so there's no real way to determine earnings until it is up and running.

    This can be a huge opportunity with about 5 popular fantasy news sites closing and scheduled closing over the next few months RotoInfo.com is picking up new visitors and gaining market share daily.

    10% of gross revenue from your teams page plus 2 advertising areas that you will receive 100% of revenue seems to be a fair offer, If you feel you can bring more to the table and would like to negotiate a better deal shoot us over a email/ we are willing to entertain all ideas and offers.


  7. BYH

    BYH Active Member

  8. zooped

    zooped New Member

    To help promote our new baseball pages we have created a html widget with all our baseball updates by team / you can check it out here http://www.rotoinfo.com/widget.php the team logo in the frame links back to the team url.
  9. rmanfredi

    rmanfredi Active Member

    I did some work for them during football season. I was paid a flat rate instead of rev share. They paid quickly and what they said they would pay, so that's a positive. I don't see how the rev share deal they are suggesting actually benefits writers - that's a lot of work for no upfront pay with a lot of assumptions to get any benefits.

    If you are a college student happy to write 3,000 words a week for some exposure and no pay, go for it.
  10. mustangj17

    mustangj17 Active Member

    Hey Zooped,

    So it's fair? Then why don't you tell us what people typically make or are expected to make? If it is so fair put a number out there. A number with a dollar sign in front of it, not a percentage sign after it.
  11. zooped

    zooped New Member

    We honestly do not know - Figure that pages should be receiving around 5,000 unique visits a day with the help of our advertising campaigns, team widgets and twitter pages etc.

    last season our team pages averaged between 1,000 and 1,500 unique visits a day and they were very generic here's a link http://rotoinfo.stats.com/mlb/teamreports.asp?tm=10&report=teamhome now if you notice in the screen shot the team pages are going to be completely different.

    We set up a few channels with our publisher accounts and the revenue was in the $ 4-7 daily last baseball season excluding our bodog affiliate we never tracked that ad campaign on channels.

    As a whole the site is up 15% in traffic from last Basketball season so I'm amusing we are going to have more of an increase over all.

    We never promoted the pages individually as we have slated for this upcoming season / none of them had their own twitter page and seo friendly url such as Rotoinfo.com/mets rotoinfo.com/phillies etc.

    Our new team widget page just went up yesterday http://www.rotoinfo.com/widget.php Each teams widget link is redirected to that teams page. (once all the team pages are completed)

    In addition to the 10% the writers will have 2 advertising spaces that they can sell or use for self promotion on a page that will be receiving 5,000 unique visitors daily 150,000 monthly.

    The ads can be very valuable.

    widget page http://www.rotoinfo.com/widget.php
    random team twitter page http://twitter.com/rotoinfo_tigers
    http://www.rotoinfo.com/rss.php team list with rss feeds twitter page and home page urls

    These are all new tools aimed for driving traffic directly to team pages

    Writers articles will also be displayed on our newly designed home page that we will be unavailing in the upcoming weeks that will also be used to bring traffic to the team pages.
  12. JChik311

    JChik311 New Member


    I would be interested, and I sent an email saying that I would be interested about two hours ago. I'd obviously need to talk things over on the phone and do a bit more research on the site and the job itself, but please feel free to contact me.

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