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So long, Sporting News Today

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by steveu, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. steveu

    steveu Well-Known Member

    Didn't see this posted, so here goes. This is copied and pasted from my e-mail.

    Dear Sporting News Today Subscriber:

    We are writing to inform you of a change regarding Sporting News Today. Effective August 31, 2011, we will no longer publish Sporting News Today. However, Sporting News will be back in September with a free, personalized daily digital sports magazine. We'll send you an email notification when the product is available.

    If you utilize the Sporting News Today iPad application, please be aware that it will be removed from the App Store effective 9/1/2011. You can use your same Sporting News Today log in credentials in any of the Zinio iPhone, iPad and Android apps or your Zinio Library to access all of your past Sporting News Today issues. You will also continue to receive all of your other digital subscriptions through Zinio on schedule.

    Regarding your Sporting New Today subscription, any automatic credit card charges were stopped effective 8/1/11. You do not need to take any action or notify your credit card company.

    We appreciate your loyalty to Sporting News. We look forward to sharing our new product with you in the coming weeks.

    If you have any questions, please contact us at customerservice@sportingnews.com.

    Sporting News
  2. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    Unfortunate but far from surprising. There was a bit of buzz around it when it debuted from those of us who go to sleep with visions of The National dancing in our heads. Then we kind of forgot it was getting emailed to us. Then they started charging and we forgot about it.

    Good effort, but other than the early National parallels, I really don't remember talk about it at all.
  3. steveu

    steveu Well-Known Member

    I just wonder what this new magazine idea is... I'm a huge baseball and college hoops fan above anything else, but I loved reading the whole product to see what was going on. Are they going to personalize your content so everything written by SN in certain sports is in your magazine?
  4. AzTarHeel2003

    AzTarHeel2003 New Member

    I loved Sporting News Today and I am going to miss it ... If anything, there was way too much information in it every day and I couldn't keep up ... But I loved their college football and basketball coverage ... I still think that this is the future for sports media. As print costs soar and tablets become more mainstream, I think more folks will deliver their products in this way -- the occasional actual print publication, with more frequent digital magazines and web coverage ... I guess the tricky part is getting advertisers to buy in ...
  5. Cousin Jeffrey

    Cousin Jeffrey Active Member

    Looks like Couch jumped ship from Sporting News to Fox Sports too.

  6. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    That's like jumping from the Titanic to the Hindenburg.
  7. Their hockey guy is leaving for ESPN, too.
  8. Twoback

    Twoback Active Member

    The concept of Sporting News Today is not dead.
    Read the letter:
    "However, Sporting News will be back in September with a free, personalized daily digital sports magazine."
    "We look forward to sharing our new product with you in the coming weeks."
    It's quite clear in the copy.
  9. steveu

    steveu Well-Known Member

    Well, the paper is folding up shop. What replaces it remains to be seen. I think it's going to be some sort of magazine/paper where you determine the content you want to see.
  10. Clerk Typist

    Clerk Typist Guest

    I flipped through a couple of early SNDs I'd saved as PDFs. A whole lot of AP, and too many too-short staff stories. A lot of breadth, no depth, no surprise value. So why bother with it when you can find similar info on exactly what you're interested in with a click or two?
  11. henryhenry

    henryhenry Member

    it's been forever since it produced content that was not generic.

    that's why it faded into oblivion.
  12. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    Had the same experience as many ... was excited for about a week. But never to the point where I would have felt the necessity to pay for it.

    But the business model is the future of journalism, I hear.
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